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2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
#include "command.hh"
#include "common-args.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "progress-bar.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "eval-inline.hh"
2019-04-16 15:10:05 +03:00
#include "primops/flake.hh"
#include "get-drvs.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
2019-04-16 15:10:05 +03:00
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
2019-03-29 17:18:25 +02:00
#include <queue>
#include <iomanip>
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
using namespace nix;
using namespace nix::flake;
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
class FlakeCommand : virtual Args, public EvalCommand, public MixFlakeOptions
std::string flakeUri = ".";
expectArg("flake-uri", &flakeUri, true);
FlakeRef getFlakeRef()
if (flakeUri.find('/') != std::string::npos || flakeUri == ".")
return FlakeRef(flakeUri, true);
return FlakeRef(flakeUri);
Flake getFlake()
auto evalState = getEvalState();
return flake::getFlake(*evalState, getFlakeRef(), useRegistries);
ResolvedFlake resolveFlake()
return flake::resolveFlake(*getEvalState(), getFlakeRef(), getLockFileMode());
struct CmdFlakeList : EvalCommand
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "list";
std::string description() override
return "list available Nix flakes";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto registries = getEvalState()->getFlakeRegistries();
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
2019-04-30 12:03:31 +03:00
for (auto & entry : registries[FLAG_REGISTRY]->entries)
2019-04-17 15:03:04 +03:00
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " flags " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
2019-04-30 12:03:31 +03:00
for (auto & entry : registries[USER_REGISTRY]->entries)
2019-04-17 15:03:04 +03:00
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " user " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
2019-04-30 12:03:31 +03:00
for (auto & entry : registries[GLOBAL_REGISTRY]->entries)
2019-04-17 15:03:04 +03:00
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " global " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
static void printSourceInfo(const SourceInfo & sourceInfo)
std::cout << fmt("URI: %s\n", sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string());
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref)
std::cout << fmt("Branch: %s\n",*sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref);
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev)
std::cout << fmt("Revision: %s\n", sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false));
if (sourceInfo.revCount)
std::cout << fmt("Revisions: %s\n", *sourceInfo.revCount);
if (sourceInfo.lastModified)
std::cout << fmt("Last modified: %s\n",
std::put_time(std::localtime(&*sourceInfo.lastModified), "%F %T"));
std::cout << fmt("Path: %s\n", sourceInfo.storePath);
static void sourceInfoToJson(const SourceInfo & sourceInfo, nlohmann::json & j)
j["uri"] = sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string();
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref)
j["branch"] = *sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref;
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev)
j["revision"] = sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false);
if (sourceInfo.revCount)
j["revCount"] = *sourceInfo.revCount;
if (sourceInfo.lastModified)
j["lastModified"] = *sourceInfo.lastModified;
j["path"] = sourceInfo.storePath;
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
static void printFlakeInfo(const Flake & flake)
std::cout << fmt("ID: %s\n",;
std::cout << fmt("Description: %s\n", flake.description);
std::cout << fmt("Epoch: %s\n", flake.epoch);
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
static nlohmann::json flakeToJson(const Flake & flake)
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
nlohmann::json j;
j["id"] =;
j["description"] = flake.description;
j["epoch"] = flake.epoch;
sourceInfoToJson(flake.sourceInfo, j);
return j;
#if 0
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
static void printNonFlakeInfo(const NonFlake & nonFlake)
std::cout << fmt("ID: %s\n", nonFlake.alias);
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
static nlohmann::json nonFlakeToJson(const NonFlake & nonFlake)
nlohmann::json j;
j["id"] = nonFlake.alias;
sourceInfoToJson(nonFlake.sourceInfo, j);
return j;
// FIXME: merge info CmdFlakeInfo?
struct CmdFlakeDeps : FlakeCommand
std::string name() override
return "deps";
std::string description() override
return "list informaton about dependencies";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
2019-04-19 15:23:35 +03:00
std::queue<ResolvedFlake> todo;
2019-03-29 17:18:25 +02:00
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto resFlake = std::move(todo.front());
2019-03-29 17:18:25 +02:00
for (auto & nonFlake : resFlake.nonFlakeDeps)
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
2019-03-29 17:18:25 +02:00
for (auto & info : resFlake.flakeDeps) {
2019-05-28 15:01:57 +03:00
2019-03-29 17:18:25 +02:00
struct CmdFlakeUpdate : FlakeCommand
std::string name() override
return "update";
std::string description() override
return "update flake lock file";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
auto flakeRef = getFlakeRef();
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(&
updateLockFile(*evalState, flakeRef, true);
throw Error("cannot update lockfile of flake '%s'", flakeRef);
static void enumerateOutputs(EvalState & state, Value & vFlake,
std::function<void(const std::string & name, Value & vProvide)> callback)
auto vOutputs = (*vFlake.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("outputs")))->value;
for (auto & attr : *vOutputs->attrs)
callback(, *attr.value);
struct CmdFlakeInfo : FlakeCommand, MixJSON
2019-02-21 07:53:01 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "info";
std::string description() override
return "list info about a given flake";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto flake = getFlake();
2019-02-21 07:53:01 +02:00
if (json) {
auto json = flakeToJson(flake);
#if 0
auto state = getEvalState();
auto vFlake = state->allocValue();
flake::callFlake(*state, flake, *vFlake);
auto outputs = nlohmann::json::object();
[&](const std::string & name, Value & vProvide) {
auto provide = nlohmann::json::object();
if (name == "checks" || name == "packages") {
for (auto & aCheck : *vProvide.attrs)
provide[] = nlohmann::json::object();
outputs[name] = provide;
json["outputs"] = std::move(outputs);
std::cout << json.dump() << std::endl;
} else
struct CmdFlakeCheck : FlakeCommand, MixJSON
bool build = true;
.description("do not build checks")
.set(&build, false);
std::string name() override
return "check";
std::string description() override
return "check whether the flake evaluates and run its tests";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
settings.readOnlyMode = !build;
auto state = getEvalState();
auto flake = resolveFlake();
auto checkDerivation = [&](const std::string & attrPath, Value & v) {
try {
auto drvInfo = getDerivation(*state, v, false);
if (!drvInfo)
throw Error("flake attribute '%s' is not a derivation", attrPath);
// FIXME: check meta attributes
return drvInfo->queryDrvPath();
} catch (Error & e) {
e.addPrefix(fmt("while checking flake output attribute '" ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL "':\n", attrPath));
PathSet drvPaths;
Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, "evaluating flake");
auto vFlake = state->allocValue();
flake::callFlake(*state, flake, *vFlake);
[&](const std::string & name, Value & vProvide) {
Activity act(*logger, lvlChatty, actUnknown,
fmt("checking flake output '%s'", name));
try {
if (name == "checks") {
for (auto & aCheck : *vProvide.attrs)
name + "." + (std::string), *aCheck.value));
else if (name == "packages") {
for (auto & aCheck : *vProvide.attrs)
name + "." + (std::string), *aCheck.value);
else if (name == "defaultPackage" || name == "devShell")
checkDerivation(name, vProvide);
} catch (Error & e) {
e.addPrefix(fmt("while checking flake output '" ANSI_BOLD "%s" ANSI_NORMAL "':\n", name));
if (build) {
Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, "running flake checks");
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
struct CmdFlakeAdd : MixEvalArgs, Command
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
FlakeUri alias;
FlakeUri uri;
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "add";
std::string description() override
return "upsert flake in user flake registry";
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
expectArg("alias", &alias);
expectArg("flake-uri", &uri);
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
void run() override
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
FlakeRef aliasRef(alias);
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
userRegistry->entries.insert_or_assign(aliasRef, FlakeRef(uri));
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
struct CmdFlakeRemove : virtual Args, MixEvalArgs, Command
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
FlakeUri alias;
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "remove";
std::string description() override
return "remove flake from user flake registry";
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
expectArg("alias", &alias);
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
void run() override
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
struct CmdFlakePin : virtual Args, EvalCommand
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
FlakeUri alias;
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "pin";
std::string description() override
return "pin flake require in user flake registry";
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
expectArg("alias", &alias);
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
FlakeRegistry userRegistry = *readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
2019-04-08 20:03:00 +03:00
auto it = userRegistry.entries.find(FlakeRef(alias));
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
if (it != userRegistry.entries.end()) {
it->second = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).sourceInfo.resolvedRef;
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
2019-04-16 09:21:52 +03:00
} else {
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> globalReg = evalState->getGlobalFlakeRegistry();
2019-04-16 09:21:52 +03:00
it = globalReg->entries.find(FlakeRef(alias));
if (it != globalReg->entries.end()) {
auto newRef = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).sourceInfo.resolvedRef;
2019-04-16 09:21:52 +03:00
userRegistry.entries.insert_or_assign(alias, newRef);
writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
} else
throw Error("the flake alias '%s' does not exist in the user or global registry", alias);
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
struct CmdFlakeInit : virtual Args, Command
std::string name() override
return "init";
std::string description() override
return "create a skeleton 'flake.nix' file in the current directory";
void run() override
Path flakeDir = absPath(".");
if (!pathExists(flakeDir + "/.git"))
throw Error("the directory '%s' is not a Git repository", flakeDir);
Path flakePath = flakeDir + "/flake.nix";
if (pathExists(flakePath))
throw Error("file '%s' already exists", flakePath);
#include "flake-template.nix.gen.hh"
struct CmdFlakeClone : FlakeCommand
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
Path destDir;
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "clone";
std::string description() override
return "clone flake repository";
expectArg("dest-dir", &destDir, true);
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
Registries registries = evalState->getFlakeRegistries();
gitCloneFlake(getFlakeRef().to_string(), *evalState, registries, destDir);
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
struct CmdFlake : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command
: MultiCommand({make_ref<CmdFlakeList>()
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
, make_ref<CmdFlakeUpdate>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeInfo>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeCheck>()
//, make_ref<CmdFlakeDeps>()
2019-03-10 08:05:05 +02:00
, make_ref<CmdFlakeAdd>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeRemove>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakePin>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeInit>()
2019-03-21 10:30:16 +02:00
, make_ref<CmdFlakeClone>()
2018-11-29 20:18:36 +02:00
std::string name() override
return "flake";
std::string description() override
return "manage Nix flakes";
void run() override
if (!command)
throw UsageError("'nix flake' requires a sub-command.");
void printHelp(const string & programName, std::ostream & out) override
MultiCommand::printHelp(programName, out);
static RegisterCommand r1(make_ref<CmdFlake>());