This store type is a variation of the [local store] designed to leverage Linux's [Overlay Filesystem]( (OverlayFS for short).
Just as OverlayFS combines a lower and upper filesystem by treating the upper one as a patch against the lower, the local overlay store combines a lower store with an upper almost-[local store].
("almost" because while the upper fileystems for OverlayFS is valid on its own, the upper almost-store is not a valid local store on its own because some references will dangle.)
To use this store, you will first need to configure an OverlayFS mountpoint [appropriately](#example-filesystem-layout) as Nix will not do this for you (though it will verify the mountpoint is configured correctly).
The local overlay store never tries to modify the lower store in any way.
Something else could modify the lower store, but there are restrictions on this
Nix itself requires that this store only grow, and not change in other ways.
For example, new store objects can be added, but deleting or modifying store objects is not allowed in general, because that will confuse and corrupt any local overlay store using those objects.
As stated above a local overlay store never tries to modify its lower store.
The lower store's metadata is considered part of the lower store, just as the store's [file system objects][file system object] that appear in the store directory are.
> Specified with the [`real`](#store-experimental-local-overlay-store-real) setting.
> This the same as the base local store setting, and can also be indirectly specified with the [`root`](#store-experimental-local-overlay-store-root) setting.
This contains the metadata of all of the upper layer [store objects][store object] (everything beyond their file system objects), and also duplicate copies of some lower layer store object's metadta.
The duplication is so the metadata for the [closure](@docroot@/ of upper layer [store objects][store object] can be found entirely within the upper layer.
(This allows us to use the same SQL Schema as the [local store]'s SQLite database, as foreign keys in that schema enforce closure metadata to be self-contained in this way.)
[file system object]: @docroot@/store/