of the store object, and not any other information, which would not be an intrinsic property of that store object.
For the full specification of the algorithms involved, see the [specification of store path digests][sp-spec].
[File System Object]: ../file-system-object.md
[Store Object]: ../store-object.md
[Store Path]: ../store-path.md
## Content addressing each part of a store object
### File System Objects
With all currently supported store object content addressing methods, the file system object is always [content-addressed][fso-ca] first, and then that hash is incorporated into content address computation for the store object.
### References
With all currently supported store object content addressing methods,
other objects are referred to by their regular (string-encoded-) [store paths][Store Path].
Self-references however cannot be referred to by their path, because we are in the midst of describing how to compute that path!
> The alternative would require finding as hash function fixed point, i.e. the solution to an equation in the form
> ```
> digest = hash(..... || digest || ....)
> ```
> which is computationally infeasible.
> As far as we know, this is equivalent to finding a hash collision.
Instead we just have a "has self reference" boolean, which will end up affecting the digest.
### Name and Store Directory
These two items affect the digest in a way that is standard for store path digest computations and not specific to content-addressing.
Consult the [specification of store path digests][sp-spec] for further details.
## Content addressing Methods
For historical reasons, we don't support all features in all combinations.
Each currently supported method of content addressing chooses a single method of file system object hashing, and may offer some restrictions on references.
The names and store directories are unrestricted however.
### Flat { #method-flat }
This uses the corresponding [Flat](../file-system-object/content-address.md#serial-flat) method of file system object content addressing.
References are not supported: store objects with flat hashing *and* references can not be created.
### Text { #method-text }
This also uses the corresponding [Flat](../file-system-object/content-address.md#serial-flat) method of file system object content addressing.
References to other store objects are supported, but self references are not.
This is the only store-object content-addressing method that is not named identically with a corresponding file system object method.
It is somewhat obscure, mainly used for "drv files"
(derivations serialized as store objects in their ["ATerm" file format](@docroot@/protocols/derivation-aterm.md)).
Prefer another method if possible.
### Nix Archive { #method-nix-archive }
This uses the corresponding [Nix Archive](../file-system-object/content-address.md#serial-nix-archive) method of file system object content addressing.
References (to other store objects and self references alike) are supported so long as the hash algorithm is SHA-256, but not (neither kind) otherwise.
### Git { #method-git }
> **Warning**
> This method is part of the [`git-hashing`][xp-feature-git-hashing] experimental feature.
This uses the corresponding [Git](../file-system-object/content-address.md#serial-git) method of file system object content addressing.
References are not supported.
Only SHA-1 is supported at this time.
If [SHA-256-based Git](https://git-scm.com/docs/hash-function-transition)
becomes more widespread, this restriction will be revisited.