diff --git a/src/libstore/remote-store.cc b/src/libstore/remote-store.cc
index 0ed17a6ce..988b47473 100644
--- a/src/libstore/remote-store.cc
+++ b/src/libstore/remote-store.cc
@@ -18,189 +18,6 @@
 namespace nix {
-namespace worker_proto {
-std::string read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::string> _)
-    return readString(from);
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::string & str)
-    out << str;
-StorePath read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<StorePath> _)
-    return store.parseStorePath(readString(from));
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const StorePath & storePath)
-    out << store.printStorePath(storePath);
-std::optional<TrustedFlag> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<TrustedFlag>> _)
-    auto temp = readNum<uint8_t>(from);
-    switch (temp) {
-        case 0:
-            return std::nullopt;
-        case 1:
-            return { Trusted };
-        case 2:
-            return { NotTrusted };
-        default:
-            throw Error("Invalid trusted status from remote");
-    }
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<TrustedFlag> & optTrusted)
-    if (!optTrusted)
-        out << (uint8_t)0;
-    else {
-        switch (*optTrusted) {
-        case Trusted:
-            out << (uint8_t)1;
-            break;
-        case NotTrusted:
-            out << (uint8_t)2;
-            break;
-        default:
-            assert(false);
-        };
-    }
-ContentAddress read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<ContentAddress> _)
-    return ContentAddress::parse(readString(from));
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const ContentAddress & ca)
-    out << renderContentAddress(ca);
-DerivedPath read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<DerivedPath> _)
-    auto s = readString(from);
-    return DerivedPath::parseLegacy(store, s);
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const DerivedPath & req)
-    out << req.to_string_legacy(store);
-Realisation read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<Realisation> _)
-    std::string rawInput = readString(from);
-    return Realisation::fromJSON(
-        nlohmann::json::parse(rawInput),
-        "remote-protocol"
-    );
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const Realisation & realisation)
-    out << realisation.toJSON().dump();
-DrvOutput read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<DrvOutput> _)
-    return DrvOutput::parse(readString(from));
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const DrvOutput & drvOutput)
-    out << drvOutput.to_string();
-KeyedBuildResult read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<KeyedBuildResult> _)
-    auto path = worker_proto::read(store, from, Phantom<DerivedPath> {});
-    auto br = worker_proto::read(store, from, Phantom<BuildResult> {});
-    return KeyedBuildResult {
-        std::move(br),
-        /* .path = */ std::move(path),
-    };
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & to, const KeyedBuildResult & res)
-    worker_proto::write(store, to, res.path);
-    worker_proto::write(store, to, static_cast<const BuildResult &>(res));
-BuildResult read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<BuildResult> _)
-    BuildResult res;
-    res.status = (BuildResult::Status) readInt(from);
-    from
-        >> res.errorMsg
-        >> res.timesBuilt
-        >> res.isNonDeterministic
-        >> res.startTime
-        >> res.stopTime;
-    auto builtOutputs = worker_proto::read(store, from, Phantom<DrvOutputs> {});
-    for (auto && [output, realisation] : builtOutputs)
-        res.builtOutputs.insert_or_assign(
-            std::move(output.outputName),
-            std::move(realisation));
-    return res;
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & to, const BuildResult & res)
-    to
-        << res.status
-        << res.errorMsg
-        << res.timesBuilt
-        << res.isNonDeterministic
-        << res.startTime
-        << res.stopTime;
-    DrvOutputs builtOutputs;
-    for (auto & [output, realisation] : res.builtOutputs)
-        builtOutputs.insert_or_assign(realisation.id, realisation);
-    worker_proto::write(store, to, builtOutputs);
-std::optional<StorePath> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<StorePath>> _)
-    auto s = readString(from);
-    return s == "" ? std::optional<StorePath> {} : store.parseStorePath(s);
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<StorePath> & storePathOpt)
-    out << (storePathOpt ? store.printStorePath(*storePathOpt) : "");
-std::optional<ContentAddress> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<ContentAddress>> _)
-    return ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(from));
-void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<ContentAddress> & caOpt)
-    out << (caOpt ? renderContentAddress(*caOpt) : "");
 /* TODO: Separate these store impls into different files, give them better names */
 RemoteStore::RemoteStore(const Params & params)
     : RemoteStoreConfig(params)
diff --git a/src/libstore/worker-protocol.cc b/src/libstore/worker-protocol.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb0f3f321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libstore/worker-protocol.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#include "serialise.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "path-with-outputs.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "build-result.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+namespace nix::worker_proto {
+std::string read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::string> _)
+    return readString(from);
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::string & str)
+    out << str;
+StorePath read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<StorePath> _)
+    return store.parseStorePath(readString(from));
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const StorePath & storePath)
+    out << store.printStorePath(storePath);
+std::optional<TrustedFlag> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<TrustedFlag>> _)
+    auto temp = readNum<uint8_t>(from);
+    switch (temp) {
+        case 0:
+            return std::nullopt;
+        case 1:
+            return { Trusted };
+        case 2:
+            return { NotTrusted };
+        default:
+            throw Error("Invalid trusted status from remote");
+    }
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<TrustedFlag> & optTrusted)
+    if (!optTrusted)
+        out << (uint8_t)0;
+    else {
+        switch (*optTrusted) {
+        case Trusted:
+            out << (uint8_t)1;
+            break;
+        case NotTrusted:
+            out << (uint8_t)2;
+            break;
+        default:
+            assert(false);
+        };
+    }
+ContentAddress read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<ContentAddress> _)
+    return ContentAddress::parse(readString(from));
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const ContentAddress & ca)
+    out << renderContentAddress(ca);
+DerivedPath read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<DerivedPath> _)
+    auto s = readString(from);
+    return DerivedPath::parseLegacy(store, s);
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const DerivedPath & req)
+    out << req.to_string_legacy(store);
+Realisation read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<Realisation> _)
+    std::string rawInput = readString(from);
+    return Realisation::fromJSON(
+        nlohmann::json::parse(rawInput),
+        "remote-protocol"
+    );
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const Realisation & realisation)
+    out << realisation.toJSON().dump();
+DrvOutput read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<DrvOutput> _)
+    return DrvOutput::parse(readString(from));
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const DrvOutput & drvOutput)
+    out << drvOutput.to_string();
+KeyedBuildResult read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<KeyedBuildResult> _)
+    auto path = read(store, from, Phantom<DerivedPath> {});
+    auto br = read(store, from, Phantom<BuildResult> {});
+    return KeyedBuildResult {
+        std::move(br),
+        /* .path = */ std::move(path),
+    };
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & to, const KeyedBuildResult & res)
+    write(store, to, res.path);
+    write(store, to, static_cast<const BuildResult &>(res));
+BuildResult read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<BuildResult> _)
+    BuildResult res;
+    res.status = (BuildResult::Status) readInt(from);
+    from
+        >> res.errorMsg
+        >> res.timesBuilt
+        >> res.isNonDeterministic
+        >> res.startTime
+        >> res.stopTime;
+    auto builtOutputs = read(store, from, Phantom<DrvOutputs> {});
+    for (auto && [output, realisation] : builtOutputs)
+        res.builtOutputs.insert_or_assign(
+            std::move(output.outputName),
+            std::move(realisation));
+    return res;
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & to, const BuildResult & res)
+    to
+        << res.status
+        << res.errorMsg
+        << res.timesBuilt
+        << res.isNonDeterministic
+        << res.startTime
+        << res.stopTime;
+    DrvOutputs builtOutputs;
+    for (auto & [output, realisation] : res.builtOutputs)
+        builtOutputs.insert_or_assign(realisation.id, realisation);
+    write(store, to, builtOutputs);
+std::optional<StorePath> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<StorePath>> _)
+    auto s = readString(from);
+    return s == "" ? std::optional<StorePath> {} : store.parseStorePath(s);
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<StorePath> & storePathOpt)
+    out << (storePathOpt ? store.printStorePath(*storePathOpt) : "");
+std::optional<ContentAddress> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<ContentAddress>> _)
+    return ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(from));
+void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<ContentAddress> & caOpt)
+    out << (caOpt ? renderContentAddress(*caOpt) : "");