mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 23:27:17 +02:00
* Added syntactic sugar to the construction of attribute sets to
`inherit' variables from the surrounding lexical scope. E.g., {stdenv, libfoo}: derivation { builder = ./bla; inherit stdenv libfoo; xyzzy = 1; } is equivalent to {stdenv, libfoo}: derivation { builder = ./bla; stdenv = stdenv; libfoo = libfoo; xyzzy = 1; } Note that for mutually recursive attribute set definitions (`rec {...}'), this also works, that is, `rec {inherit x;}' is equivalent to `let {fresh = x; body = rec {x = fresh;};}', *not* `rec {x = x}'.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 78 additions and 41 deletions
@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ static Expr substArgs(Expr body, ATermList formals, Expr arg)
/* Transform a mutually recursive set into a non-recursive set. Each
attribute is transformed into an expression that has all references
to attributes substituted with selection expressions on the
original set. E.g., e = `rec {x = f x y, y = x}' becomes `{x = f
(e.x) (e.y), y = e.x}'. */
ATerm expandRec(ATerm e, ATermList bnds)
original set. E.g., e = `rec {x = f x y; y = x;}' becomes `{x = f
(e.x) (e.y); y = e.x;}'. */
ATerm expandRec(ATerm e, ATermList rbnds, ATermList nrbnds)
ATMatcher m;
/* Create the substitution list. */
ATermMap subs;
for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) {
for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i) {
string s;
Expr e2;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e2))
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ ATerm expandRec(ATerm e, ATermList bnds)
/* Create the non-recursive set. */
ATermMap as;
for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) {
for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i) {
string s;
Expr e2;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e2))
@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ ATerm expandRec(ATerm e, ATermList bnds)
as.set(s, substitute(subs, e2));
/* Copy the non-recursive bindings. !!! inefficient */
for (ATermIterator i(nrbnds); i; ++i) {
string s;
Expr e2;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e2))
abort(); /* can't happen */
as.set(s, e2);
return makeAttrs(as);
@ -175,14 +184,9 @@ Expr evalExpr2(EvalState & state, Expr e)
/* Mutually recursive sets. */
ATermList bnds;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> bnds)
return expandRec(e, bnds);
/* Let expressions `let {..., body = ...}' are just desugared
into `(rec {..., body = ...}).body'. */
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "LetRec" >> bnds)
return evalExpr(state, ATmake("Select(Rec(<term>), \"body\")", bnds));
ATermList rbnds, nrbnds;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> rbnds >> nrbnds)
return expandRec(e, rbnds, nrbnds);
/* Conditionals. */
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "If" >> e1 >> e2 >> e3) {
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ else { return ELSE; }
assert { return ASSERT; }
let { return LET; }
rec { return REC; }
inherit { return INHERIT; }
\=\= { return EQ; }
\!\= { return NEQ; }
@ -181,16 +181,18 @@ Expr substitute(const ATermMap & subs, Expr e)
/* Idem for a mutually recursive attribute set. */
ATermList bindings;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> bindings) {
ATermList rbnds, nrbnds;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> rbnds >> nrbnds) {
ATermMap subs2(subs);
for (ATermIterator i(bindings); i; ++i) {
for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i) {
Expr e;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e))
abort(); /* can't happen */
return ATmake("Rec(<term>)", substitute(subs2, (ATerm) bindings));
return ATmake("Rec(<term>, <term>)",
substitute(subs2, (ATerm) rbnds),
substitute(subs, (ATerm) nrbnds));
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
@ -17,32 +17,52 @@ struct ParseData
string error;
extern "C" {
#include "parser-tab.h"
#include "lexer-tab.h"
/* Callbacks for getting from C to C++. Due to a (small) bug in the
GLR code of Bison we cannot currently compile the parser as C++
code. */
void setParseResult(ParseData * data, ATerm t)
data->result = t;
/* Callbacks for getting from C to C++. Due to a (small) bug in the
GLR code of Bison we cannot currently compile the parser as C++
code. */
ATerm absParsedPath(ParseData * data, ATerm t)
return string2ATerm(absPath(aterm2String(t), data->basePath).c_str());
void setParseResult(ParseData * data, ATerm t)
data->result = t;
ATerm absParsedPath(ParseData * data, ATerm t)
return string2ATerm(absPath(aterm2String(t), data->basePath).c_str());
void parseError(ParseData * data, char * error, int line, int column)
data->error = (format("%1%, at line %2%, column %3%, of %4%")
% error % line % column % data->location).str();
void parseError(ParseData * data, char * error, int line, int column)
data->error = (format("%1%, at line %2%, column %3%, of %4%")
% error % line % column % data->location).str();
int yyparse(yyscan_t scanner, ParseData * data);
ATerm fixAttrs(int recursive, ATermList as)
ATMatcher m;
ATermList bs = ATempty, cs = ATempty;
ATermList * is = recursive ? &cs : &bs;
for (ATermIterator i(as); i; ++i) {
ATermList names;
if (atMatch(m, *i) >> "Inherit" >> names)
for (ATermIterator j(names); j; ++j)
*is = ATinsert(*is,
ATmake("Bind(<term>, Var(<term>))", *j, *j));
else bs = ATinsert(bs, *i);
if (recursive)
return ATmake("Rec(<term>, <term>)", bs, cs);
return ATmake("Attrs(<term>)", bs);
int yyparse(yyscan_t scanner, ParseData * data);
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
void setParseResult(void * data, ATerm t);
void parseError(void * data, char * error, int line, int column);
ATerm absParsedPath(void * data, ATerm t);
ATerm fixAttrs(int recursive, ATermList as);
void yyerror(YYLTYPE * loc, yyscan_t scanner, void * data, char * s)
@ -33,9 +34,9 @@ void yyerror(YYLTYPE * loc, yyscan_t scanner, void * data, char * s)
%type <t> start expr expr_function expr_assert expr_op
%type <t> expr_app expr_select expr_simple bind formal
%type <ts> binds expr_list formals
%type <ts> binds ids expr_list formals
%token <t> ID INT STR PATH URI
%nonassoc IMPL
%left OR
@ -90,9 +91,14 @@ expr_simple
| PATH { $$ = ATmake("Path(<term>)", absParsedPath(data, $1)); }
| URI { $$ = ATmake("Uri(<term>)", $1); }
| '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
| LET '{' binds '}' { $$ = ATmake("LetRec(<term>)", $3); }
| REC '{' binds '}' { $$ = ATmake("Rec(<term>)", $3); }
| '{' binds '}' { $$ = ATmake("Attrs(<term>)", $2); }
/* Let expressions `let {..., body = ...}' are just desugared
into `(rec {..., body = ...}).body'. */
| LET '{' binds '}'
{ $$ = ATmake("Select(<term>, \"body\")", fixAttrs(1, $3)); }
| REC '{' binds '}'
{ $$ = fixAttrs(1, $3); }
| '{' binds '}'
{ $$ = fixAttrs(0, $2); }
| '[' expr_list ']' { $$ = ATmake("List(<term>)", $2); }
| IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr
{ $$ = ATmake("If(<term>, <term>, <term>)", $2, $4, $6); }
@ -106,8 +112,12 @@ binds
: ID '=' expr ';'
{ $$ = ATmake("Bind(<term>, <term>)", $1, $3); }
| INHERIT ids ';'
{ $$ = ATmake("Inherit(<term>)", $2); }
ids: ids ID { $$ = ATinsert($1, $2); } | { $$ = ATempty; };
: expr_select expr_list { $$ = ATinsert($2, $1); }
/* yes, this is right-recursive, but it doesn't matter since
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ static string processBinding(EvalState & state, Expr e, StoreExpr & ne)
return st.str();
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Attrs" >> es) {
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Attrs") {
Expr a = queryAttr(e, "type");
if (a && evalString(state, a) == "derivation") {
a = queryAttr(e, "drvPath");
Add table
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