proto=$1 shift (( $# == 0 )) TODO_NixOS clearStore clearCache mkdir -p $TEST_ROOT/stores # Create path to copy back and forth outPath=$(nix-build --no-out-link dependencies.nix) storeQueryParam="store=${NIX_STORE_DIR}" realQueryParam () { echo "real=$1$NIX_STORE_DIR" } remoteRoot="$TEST_ROOT/stores/$proto" clearRemoteStore () { chmod -R u+w "$remoteRoot" || true rm -rf "$remoteRoot" } clearRemoteStore remoteStore="${proto}://localhost?${storeQueryParam}&remote-store=${remoteRoot}%3f${storeQueryParam}%26$(realQueryParam "$remoteRoot")" # Copy to store args=() if [[ "$proto" == "ssh-ng" ]]; then # TODO investigate discrepancy args+=(--no-check-sigs) fi [ ! -f ${remoteRoot}${outPath}/foobar ] nix copy "${args[@]}" --to "$remoteStore" $outPath [ -f ${remoteRoot}${outPath}/foobar ] # Copy back from store clearStore [ ! -f $outPath/foobar ] nix copy --no-check-sigs --from "$remoteStore" $outPath [ -f $outPath/foobar ] # Check --substitute-on-destination, avoid corrupted store clearRemoteStore corruptedRoot=$TEST_ROOT/stores/corrupted corruptedStore="${corruptedRoot}?${storeQueryParam}&$(realQueryParam "$corruptedRoot")" # Copy it to the corrupted store nix copy --no-check-sigs "$outPath" --to "$corruptedStore" # Corrupt it in there corruptPath="${corruptedRoot}${outPath}" chmod +w "$corruptPath" echo "not supposed to be here" > "$corruptPath/foobarbaz" chmod -w "$corruptPath" # Copy from the corrupted store with the regular store as a # substituter. It must use the substituter not the source store in # order to avoid errors. NIX_CONFIG=$(echo -e "substituters = local\nrequire-sigs = false") \ nix copy --no-check-sigs --from "$corruptedStore" --to "$remoteStore" --substitute-on-destination "$outPath"