#include "value-to-xml.hh" #include "xml-writer.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "signals.hh" #include namespace nix { static XMLAttrs singletonAttrs(const std::string & name, const std::string & value) { XMLAttrs attrs; attrs[name] = value; return attrs; } static void printValueAsXML(EvalState & state, bool strict, bool location, Value & v, XMLWriter & doc, NixStringContext & context, PathSet & drvsSeen, const PosIdx pos); static void posToXML(EvalState & state, XMLAttrs & xmlAttrs, const Pos & pos) { if (auto path = std::get_if(&pos.origin)) xmlAttrs["path"] = path->path.abs(); xmlAttrs["line"] = fmt("%1%", pos.line); xmlAttrs["column"] = fmt("%1%", pos.column); } static void showAttrs(EvalState & state, bool strict, bool location, const Bindings & attrs, XMLWriter & doc, NixStringContext & context, PathSet & drvsSeen) { StringSet names; for (auto & a : attrs.lexicographicOrder(state.symbols)) { XMLAttrs xmlAttrs; xmlAttrs["name"] = state.symbols[a->name]; if (location && a->pos) posToXML(state, xmlAttrs, state.positions[a->pos]); XMLOpenElement _(doc, "attr", xmlAttrs); printValueAsXML(state, strict, location, *a->value, doc, context, drvsSeen, a->pos); } } static void printValueAsXML(EvalState & state, bool strict, bool location, Value & v, XMLWriter & doc, NixStringContext & context, PathSet & drvsSeen, const PosIdx pos) { checkInterrupt(); if (strict) state.forceValue(v, pos); switch (v.type()) { case nInt: doc.writeEmptyElement("int", singletonAttrs("value", fmt("%1%", v.integer()))); break; case nBool: doc.writeEmptyElement("bool", singletonAttrs("value", v.boolean() ? "true" : "false")); break; case nString: /* !!! show the context? */ copyContext(v, context); doc.writeEmptyElement("string", singletonAttrs("value", v.c_str())); break; case nPath: doc.writeEmptyElement("path", singletonAttrs("value", v.path().to_string())); break; case nNull: doc.writeEmptyElement("null"); break; case nAttrs: if (state.isDerivation(v)) { XMLAttrs xmlAttrs; Path drvPath; if (auto a = v.attrs()->get(state.sDrvPath)) { if (strict) state.forceValue(*a->value, a->pos); if (a->value->type() == nString) xmlAttrs["drvPath"] = drvPath = a->value->c_str(); } if (auto a = v.attrs()->get(state.sOutPath)) { if (strict) state.forceValue(*a->value, a->pos); if (a->value->type() == nString) xmlAttrs["outPath"] = a->value->c_str(); } XMLOpenElement _(doc, "derivation", xmlAttrs); if (drvPath != "" && drvsSeen.insert(drvPath).second) showAttrs(state, strict, location, *v.attrs(), doc, context, drvsSeen); else doc.writeEmptyElement("repeated"); } else { XMLOpenElement _(doc, "attrs"); showAttrs(state, strict, location, *v.attrs(), doc, context, drvsSeen); } break; case nList: { XMLOpenElement _(doc, "list"); for (auto v2 : v.listItems()) printValueAsXML(state, strict, location, *v2, doc, context, drvsSeen, pos); break; } case nFunction: { if (!v.isLambda()) { // FIXME: Serialize primops and primopapps doc.writeEmptyElement("unevaluated"); break; } XMLAttrs xmlAttrs; if (location) posToXML(state, xmlAttrs, state.positions[v.payload.lambda.fun->pos]); XMLOpenElement _(doc, "function", xmlAttrs); if (v.payload.lambda.fun->hasFormals()) { XMLAttrs attrs; if (v.payload.lambda.fun->arg) attrs["name"] = state.symbols[v.payload.lambda.fun->arg]; if (v.payload.lambda.fun->formals->ellipsis) attrs["ellipsis"] = "1"; XMLOpenElement _(doc, "attrspat", attrs); for (auto & i : v.payload.lambda.fun->formals->lexicographicOrder(state.symbols)) doc.writeEmptyElement("attr", singletonAttrs("name", state.symbols[i.name])); } else doc.writeEmptyElement("varpat", singletonAttrs("name", state.symbols[v.payload.lambda.fun->arg])); break; } case nExternal: v.external()->printValueAsXML(state, strict, location, doc, context, drvsSeen, pos); break; case nFloat: doc.writeEmptyElement("float", singletonAttrs("value", fmt("%1%", v.fpoint()))); break; case nThunk: doc.writeEmptyElement("unevaluated"); } } void ExternalValueBase::printValueAsXML(EvalState & state, bool strict, bool location, XMLWriter & doc, NixStringContext & context, PathSet & drvsSeen, const PosIdx pos) const { doc.writeEmptyElement("unevaluated"); } void printValueAsXML(EvalState & state, bool strict, bool location, Value & v, std::ostream & out, NixStringContext & context, const PosIdx pos) { XMLWriter doc(true, out); XMLOpenElement root(doc, "expr"); PathSet drvsSeen; printValueAsXML(state, strict, location, v, doc, context, drvsSeen, pos); } }