#!/usr/bin/env bash

source common.sh


# Make sure that 'nix build' returns all outputs by default.
nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json a b --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs |
      (keys | length == 2) and
      (.first | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-first")) and
      (.second | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-second"))))
  and (.[1] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-b.drv")) and
    (.outputs |
      (keys | length == 1) and
      (.out | match(".*multiple-outputs-b"))))

# Test output selection using the '^' syntax.
nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json a^first --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["first"]))

nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json a^second,first --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["first", "second"]))

nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json 'a^*' --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["first", "second"]))

# Test that 'outputsToInstall' is respected by default.
nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json e --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["a_a", "b"]))

# Tests that we can handle empty 'outputsToInstall' (assuming that default
# output "out" exists).
nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json nothing-to-install --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*nothing-to-install.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["out"]))

# But not when it's overriden.
nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json e^a_a --no-link
nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json e^a_a --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["a_a"]))

nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json 'e^*' --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["a_a", "b", "c"]))

# test buidling from non-drv attr path

nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix --json 'e.a_a.outPath' --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["a_a"]))

# Illegal type of string context
expectStderr 1 nix build -f multiple-outputs.nix 'e.a_a.drvPath' \
  | grepQuiet "has a context which refers to a complete source and binary closure."

# No string context
expectStderr 1 nix build --expr '""' --no-link \
  | grepQuiet "has 0 entries in its context. It should only have exactly one entry"

# Too much string context
expectStderr 1 nix build --impure --expr 'with (import ./multiple-outputs.nix).e.a_a; "${drvPath}${outPath}"' --no-link \
  | grepQuiet "has 2 entries in its context. It should only have exactly one entry"

nix build --impure --json --expr 'builtins.unsafeDiscardOutputDependency (import ./multiple-outputs.nix).e.a_a.drvPath' --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv"))

# Test building from raw store path to drv not expression.

drv=$(nix eval -f multiple-outputs.nix --raw a.drvPath)
if nix build "$drv^not-an-output" --no-link --json; then
    fail "'not-an-output' should fail to build"

if nix build "$drv^" --no-link --json; then
    fail "'empty outputs list' should fail to build"

if nix build "$drv^*nope" --no-link --json; then
    fail "'* must be entire string' should fail to build"

nix build "$drv^first" --no-link --json | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs |
      (keys | length == 1) and
      (.first | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-first")) and
      (has("second") | not)))

nix build "$drv^first,second" --no-link --json | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs |
      (keys | length == 2) and
      (.first | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-first")) and
      (.second | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-second"))))

nix build "$drv^*" --no-link --json | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-a.drv")) and
    (.outputs |
      (keys | length == 2) and
      (.first | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-first")) and
      (.second | match(".*multiple-outputs-a-second"))))

# Make sure that `--impure` works (regression test for https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/6488)
nix build --impure -f multiple-outputs.nix --json e --no-link | jq --exit-status '
  (.[0] |
    (.drvPath | match(".*multiple-outputs-e.drv")) and
    (.outputs | keys == ["a_a", "b"]))

# Make sure that `--stdin` works and does not apply any defaults
printf "" | nix build --no-link --stdin --json | jq --exit-status '. == []'
printf "%s\n" "$drv^*" | nix build --no-link --stdin --json | jq --exit-status '.[0]|has("drvPath")'

# --keep-going and FOD
out="$(nix build -f fod-failing.nix -L 2>&1)" && status=0 || status=$?
test "$status" = 1
# one "hash mismatch" error, one "build of ... failed"
test "$(<<<"$out" grep -E '^error:' | wc -l)" = 2
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x1\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -vE "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x3\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -vE "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x2\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "error: build of '.*-x[1-4]\\.drv\\^out', '.*-x[1-4]\\.drv\\^out', '.*-x[1-4]\\.drv\\^out', '.*-x[1-4]\\.drv\\^out' failed"

out="$(nix build -f fod-failing.nix -L x1 x2 x3 --keep-going 2>&1)" && status=0 || status=$?
test "$status" = 1
# three "hash mismatch" errors - for each failing fod, one "build of ... failed"
test "$(<<<"$out" grep -E '^error:' | wc -l)" = 4
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x1\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x3\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x2\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "error: build of '.*-x[1-3]\\.drv\\^out', '.*-x[1-3]\\.drv\\^out', '.*-x[1-3]\\.drv\\^out' failed"

out="$(nix build -f fod-failing.nix -L x4 2>&1)" && status=0 || status=$?
test "$status" = 1
test "$(<<<"$out" grep -E '^error:' | wc -l)" = 2
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "error: 1 dependencies of derivation '.*-x4\\.drv' failed to build"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x2\\.drv'"

out="$(nix build -f fod-failing.nix -L x4 --keep-going 2>&1)" && status=0 || status=$?
test "$status" = 1
test "$(<<<"$out" grep -E '^error:' | wc -l)" = 3
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -E "error: 2 dependencies of derivation '.*-x4\\.drv' failed to build"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -vE "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x3\\.drv'"
<<<"$out" grepQuiet -vE "hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '.*-x2\\.drv'"