# Name `nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key` - generate key pair to use for a binary cache ## Synopsis `nix-store` `--generate-binary-cache-key` *key-name* *secret-key-file* *public-key-file* ## Description This command generates an [Ed25519 key pair](http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/) that can be used to create a signed binary cache. It takes three mandatory parameters: 1. A key name, such as `cache.example.org-1`, that is used to look up keys on the client when it verifies signatures. It can be anything, but it’s suggested to use the host name of your cache (e.g. `cache.example.org`) with a suffix denoting the number of the key (to be incremented every time you need to revoke a key). 2. The file name where the secret key is to be stored. 3. The file name where the public key is to be stored. {{#include ./opt-common.md}} {{#include ../opt-common.md}} {{#include ../env-common.md}}