#include "util.hh" #include "types.hh" #include "file-system.hh" #include "processes.hh" #include "terminal.hh" #include "strings.hh" #include <limits.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <rapidcheck/gtest.h> #include <numeric> #ifdef _WIN32 # define FS_SEP "\\" # define FS_ROOT "C:" FS_SEP // Need a mounted one, C drive is likely #else # define FS_SEP "/" # define FS_ROOT FS_SEP #endif #ifndef PATH_MAX # define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif namespace nix { /* ----------- tests for file-system.hh -------------------------------------*/ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * absPath * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(absPath, doesntChangeRoot) { auto p = absPath(FS_ROOT); ASSERT_EQ(p, FS_ROOT); } TEST(absPath, turnsEmptyPathIntoCWD) { char cwd[PATH_MAX + 1]; auto p = absPath(""); ASSERT_EQ(p, getcwd((char *) &cwd, PATH_MAX)); } TEST(absPath, usesOptionalBasePathWhenGiven) { char _cwd[PATH_MAX + 1]; char * cwd = getcwd((char *) &_cwd, PATH_MAX); auto p = absPath("", cwd); ASSERT_EQ(p, cwd); } TEST(absPath, isIdempotent) { char _cwd[PATH_MAX + 1]; char * cwd = getcwd((char *) &_cwd, PATH_MAX); auto p1 = absPath(cwd); auto p2 = absPath(p1); ASSERT_EQ(p1, p2); } TEST(absPath, pathIsCanonicalised) { auto path = FS_ROOT "some/path/with/trailing/dot/."; auto p1 = absPath(path); auto p2 = absPath(p1); ASSERT_EQ(p1, FS_ROOT "some" FS_SEP "path" FS_SEP "with" FS_SEP "trailing" FS_SEP "dot"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, p2); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * canonPath * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(canonPath, removesTrailingSlashes) { auto path = FS_ROOT "this/is/a/path//"; auto p = canonPath(path); ASSERT_EQ(p, FS_ROOT "this" FS_SEP "is" FS_SEP "a" FS_SEP "path"); } TEST(canonPath, removesDots) { auto path = FS_ROOT "this/./is/a/path/./"; auto p = canonPath(path); ASSERT_EQ(p, FS_ROOT "this" FS_SEP "is" FS_SEP "a" FS_SEP "path"); } TEST(canonPath, removesDots2) { auto path = FS_ROOT "this/a/../is/a////path/foo/.."; auto p = canonPath(path); ASSERT_EQ(p, FS_ROOT "this" FS_SEP "is" FS_SEP "a" FS_SEP "path"); } TEST(canonPath, requiresAbsolutePath) { ASSERT_ANY_THROW(canonPath(".")); ASSERT_ANY_THROW(canonPath("..")); ASSERT_ANY_THROW(canonPath("../")); ASSERT_DEATH({ canonPath(""); }, "path != \"\""); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * dirOf * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(dirOf, returnsEmptyStringForRoot) { auto p = dirOf("/"); ASSERT_EQ(p, "/"); } TEST(dirOf, returnsFirstPathComponent) { auto p1 = dirOf("/dir/"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, "/dir"); auto p2 = dirOf("/dir"); ASSERT_EQ(p2, "/"); auto p3 = dirOf("/dir/.."); ASSERT_EQ(p3, "/dir"); auto p4 = dirOf("/dir/../"); ASSERT_EQ(p4, "/dir/.."); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * baseNameOf * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(baseNameOf, emptyPath) { auto p1 = baseNameOf(""); ASSERT_EQ(p1, ""); } TEST(baseNameOf, pathOnRoot) { auto p1 = baseNameOf("/dir"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, "dir"); } TEST(baseNameOf, relativePath) { auto p1 = baseNameOf("dir/foo"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, "foo"); } TEST(baseNameOf, pathWithTrailingSlashRoot) { auto p1 = baseNameOf("/"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, ""); } TEST(baseNameOf, trailingSlash) { auto p1 = baseNameOf("/dir/"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, "dir"); } TEST(baseNameOf, trailingSlashes) { auto p1 = baseNameOf("/dir//"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, "dir"); } TEST(baseNameOf, absoluteNothingSlashNothing) { auto p1 = baseNameOf("//"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, ""); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * isInDir * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(isInDir, trivialCase) { auto p1 = isInDir("/foo/bar", "/foo"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, true); } TEST(isInDir, notInDir) { auto p1 = isInDir("/zes/foo/bar", "/foo"); ASSERT_EQ(p1, false); } // XXX: hm, bug or feature? :) Looking at the implementation // this might be problematic. TEST(isInDir, emptyDir) { auto p1 = isInDir("/zes/foo/bar", ""); ASSERT_EQ(p1, true); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * isDirOrInDir * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(isDirOrInDir, trueForSameDirectory) { ASSERT_EQ(isDirOrInDir("/nix", "/nix"), true); ASSERT_EQ(isDirOrInDir("/", "/"), true); } TEST(isDirOrInDir, trueForEmptyPaths) { ASSERT_EQ(isDirOrInDir("", ""), true); } TEST(isDirOrInDir, falseForDisjunctPaths) { ASSERT_EQ(isDirOrInDir("/foo", "/bar"), false); } TEST(isDirOrInDir, relativePaths) { ASSERT_EQ(isDirOrInDir("/foo/..", "/foo"), true); } // XXX: while it is possible to use "." or ".." in the // first argument this doesn't seem to work in the second. TEST(isDirOrInDir, DISABLED_shouldWork) { ASSERT_EQ(isDirOrInDir("/foo/..", "/foo/."), true); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * pathExists * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TEST(pathExists, rootExists) { ASSERT_TRUE(pathExists(FS_ROOT)); } TEST(pathExists, cwdExists) { ASSERT_TRUE(pathExists(".")); } TEST(pathExists, bogusPathDoesNotExist) { ASSERT_FALSE(pathExists("/schnitzel/darmstadt/pommes")); } }