#include "derived-path.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include #include namespace nix { nlohmann::json DerivedPath::Opaque::toJSON(ref store) const { nlohmann::json res; res["path"] = store->printStorePath(path); return res; } nlohmann::json DerivedPath::Built::toJSON(ref store) const { nlohmann::json res; res["drvPath"] = store->printStorePath(drvPath); // Fallback for the input-addressed derivation case: We expect to always be // able to print the output paths, so let’s do it const auto knownOutputs = store->queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(drvPath); for (const auto& output : outputs) { auto knownOutput = get(knownOutputs, output); res["outputs"][output] = (knownOutput && *knownOutput) ? store->printStorePath(**knownOutput) : nullptr; } return res; } nlohmann::json BuiltPath::Built::toJSON(ref store) const { nlohmann::json res; res["drvPath"] = store->printStorePath(drvPath); for (const auto& [output, path] : outputs) { res["outputs"][output] = store->printStorePath(path); } return res; } StorePathSet BuiltPath::outPaths() const { return std::visit( overloaded{ [](const BuiltPath::Opaque & p) { return StorePathSet{p.path}; }, [](const BuiltPath::Built & b) { StorePathSet res; for (auto & [_, path] : b.outputs) res.insert(path); return res; }, }, raw() ); } template nlohmann::json stuffToJSON(const std::vector & ts, ref store) { auto res = nlohmann::json::array(); for (const T & t : ts) { std::visit([&res, store](const auto & t) { res.push_back(t.toJSON(store)); }, t.raw()); } return res; } nlohmann::json derivedPathsWithHintsToJSON(const BuiltPaths & buildables, ref store) { return stuffToJSON(buildables, store); } nlohmann::json derivedPathsToJSON(const DerivedPaths & paths, ref store) { return stuffToJSON(paths, store); } std::string DerivedPath::Opaque::to_string(const Store & store) const { return store.printStorePath(path); } std::string DerivedPath::Built::to_string(const Store & store) const { return store.printStorePath(drvPath) + "!" + (outputs.empty() ? std::string { "*" } : concatStringsSep(",", outputs)); } std::string DerivedPath::to_string(const Store & store) const { return std::visit( [&](const auto & req) { return req.to_string(store); }, this->raw()); } DerivedPath::Opaque DerivedPath::Opaque::parse(const Store & store, std::string_view s) { return {store.parseStorePath(s)}; } DerivedPath::Built DerivedPath::Built::parse(const Store & store, std::string_view s) { size_t n = s.find("!"); assert(n != s.npos); auto drvPath = store.parseStorePath(s.substr(0, n)); auto outputsS = s.substr(n + 1); std::set outputs; if (outputsS != "*") outputs = tokenizeString>(outputsS, ","); return {drvPath, outputs}; } DerivedPath DerivedPath::parse(const Store & store, std::string_view s) { size_t n = s.find("!"); return n == s.npos ? (DerivedPath) DerivedPath::Opaque::parse(store, s) : (DerivedPath) DerivedPath::Built::parse(store, s); } RealisedPath::Set BuiltPath::toRealisedPaths(Store & store) const { RealisedPath::Set res; std::visit( overloaded{ [&](const BuiltPath::Opaque & p) { res.insert(p.path); }, [&](const BuiltPath::Built & p) { auto drvHashes = staticOutputHashes(store, store.readDerivation(p.drvPath)); for (auto& [outputName, outputPath] : p.outputs) { if (settings.isExperimentalFeatureEnabled( Xp::CaDerivations)) { auto drvOutput = get(drvHashes, outputName); if (!drvOutput) throw Error( "the derivation '%s' has unrealised output '%s' (derived-path.cc/toRealisedPaths)", store.printStorePath(p.drvPath), outputName); auto thisRealisation = store.queryRealisation( DrvOutput{*drvOutput, outputName}); assert(thisRealisation); // We’ve built it, so we must // have the realisation res.insert(*thisRealisation); } else { res.insert(outputPath); } } }, }, raw()); return res; } }