#!/usr/bin/env bash

source ./common.sh



nix registry add --registry "$registry" templates "git+file://$templatesDir"
nix registry add --registry "$registry" nixpkgs "git+file://$nixpkgsDir"

createGitRepo "$nixpkgsDir"
createSimpleGitFlake "$nixpkgsDir"

# Test 'nix flake init'.
createGitRepo "$templatesDir"

cat > "$templatesDir"/flake.nix <<EOF
  description = "Some templates";

  outputs = { self }: {
    templates = rec {
      trivial = {
        path = ./trivial;
        description = "A trivial flake";
        welcomeText = ''
            Welcome to my trivial flake
      default = trivial;

mkdir "$templatesDir/trivial"

cat > "$templatesDir"/trivial/flake.nix <<EOF
  description = "A flake for building Hello World";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
    packages.$system = rec {
      hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.$system.hello;
      default = hello;
echo a > "$templatesDir/trivial/a"
echo b > "$templatesDir/trivial/b"

git -C "$templatesDir" add flake.nix trivial/
git -C "$templatesDir" commit -m 'Initial'

nix flake check templates
nix flake show templates
nix flake show templates --json | jq

createGitRepo "$flakeDir"
(cd "$flakeDir" && nix flake init)
(cd "$flakeDir" && nix flake init) # check idempotence
git -C "$flakeDir" add flake.nix
nix flake check "$flakeDir"
nix flake show "$flakeDir"
nix flake show "$flakeDir" --json | jq
git -C "$flakeDir" commit -a -m 'Initial'

# Test 'nix flake init' with benign conflicts
createGitRepo "$flakeDir"
echo a > "$flakeDir/a"
(cd "$flakeDir" && nix flake init) # check idempotence

# Test 'nix flake init' with conflicts
createGitRepo "$flakeDir"
echo b > "$flakeDir/a"
pushd "$flakeDir"
(! nix flake init) |& grep "refusing to overwrite existing file '$flakeDir/a'"
git -C "$flakeDir" commit -a -m 'Changed'

# Test 'nix flake new'.
rm -rf "$flakeDir"
nix flake new -t templates#trivial "$flakeDir"
nix flake new -t templates#trivial "$flakeDir" # check idempotence
nix flake check "$flakeDir"