#include "goal.hh" #include "worker.hh" namespace nix { bool CompareGoalPtrs::operator() (const GoalPtr & a, const GoalPtr & b) const { std::string s1 = a->key(); std::string s2 = b->key(); return s1 < s2; } BuildResult Goal::getBuildResult(const DerivedPath & req) { BuildResult res { buildResult }; if (auto pbp = std::get_if(&req)) { auto & bp = *pbp; /* Because goals are in general shared between derived paths that share the same derivation, we need to filter their results to get back just the results we care about. */ for (auto it = res.builtOutputs.begin(); it != res.builtOutputs.end();) { if (bp.outputs.contains(it->first)) ++it; else it = res.builtOutputs.erase(it); } } return res; } void addToWeakGoals(WeakGoals & goals, GoalPtr p) { if (goals.find(p) != goals.end()) return; goals.insert(p); } void Goal::addWaitee(GoalPtr waitee) { waitees.insert(waitee); addToWeakGoals(waitee->waiters, shared_from_this()); } void Goal::waiteeDone(GoalPtr waitee, ExitCode result) { assert(waitees.count(waitee)); waitees.erase(waitee); trace(fmt("waitee '%s' done; %d left", waitee->name, waitees.size())); if (result == ecFailed || result == ecNoSubstituters || result == ecIncompleteClosure) ++nrFailed; if (result == ecNoSubstituters) ++nrNoSubstituters; if (result == ecIncompleteClosure) ++nrIncompleteClosure; if (waitees.empty() || (result == ecFailed && !settings.keepGoing)) { /* If we failed and keepGoing is not set, we remove all remaining waitees. */ for (auto & goal : waitees) { goal->waiters.extract(shared_from_this()); } waitees.clear(); worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this()); } } void Goal::amDone(ExitCode result, std::optional ex) { trace("done"); assert(exitCode == ecBusy); assert(result == ecSuccess || result == ecFailed || result == ecNoSubstituters || result == ecIncompleteClosure); exitCode = result; if (ex) { if (!waiters.empty()) logError(ex->info()); else this->ex = std::move(*ex); } for (auto & i : waiters) { GoalPtr goal = i.lock(); if (goal) goal->waiteeDone(shared_from_this(), result); } waiters.clear(); worker.removeGoal(shared_from_this()); cleanup(); } void Goal::trace(std::string_view s) { debug("%1%: %2%", name, s); } }