#include "misc.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "local-store.hh" namespace nix { Derivation derivationFromPath(StoreAPI & store, const Path & drvPath) { assertStorePath(drvPath); store.ensurePath(drvPath); return parseDerivation(readFile(drvPath)); } void computeFSClosure(StoreAPI & store, const Path & storePath, PathSet & paths, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs) { if (paths.find(storePath) != paths.end()) return; paths.insert(storePath); PathSet references; if (flipDirection) store.queryReferrers(storePath, references); else store.queryReferences(storePath, references); if (includeOutputs && isDerivation(storePath)) { PathSet outputs = store.queryDerivationOutputs(storePath); foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, outputs) if (store.isValidPath(*i)) computeFSClosure(store, *i, paths, flipDirection, true); } foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, references) computeFSClosure(store, *i, paths, flipDirection, includeOutputs); } Path findOutput(const Derivation & drv, string id) { foreach (DerivationOutputs::const_iterator, i, drv.outputs) if (i->first == id) return i->second.path; throw Error(format("derivation has no output `%1%'") % id); } void queryMissing(StoreAPI & store, const PathSet & targets, PathSet & willBuild, PathSet & willSubstitute, PathSet & unknown, unsigned long long & downloadSize, unsigned long long & narSize) { downloadSize = narSize = 0; PathSet todo(targets.begin(), targets.end()), done; while (!todo.empty()) { Path p = *(todo.begin()); todo.erase(p); if (done.find(p) != done.end()) continue; done.insert(p); if (isDerivation(p)) { if (!store.isValidPath(p)) { unknown.insert(p); continue; } Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(store, p); bool mustBuild = false; foreach (DerivationOutputs::iterator, i, drv.outputs) if (!store.isValidPath(i->second.path) && !store.hasSubstitutes(i->second.path)) mustBuild = true; if (mustBuild) { willBuild.insert(p); todo.insert(drv.inputSrcs.begin(), drv.inputSrcs.end()); foreach (DerivationInputs::iterator, i, drv.inputDrvs) todo.insert(i->first); } else foreach (DerivationOutputs::iterator, i, drv.outputs) todo.insert(i->second.path); } else { if (store.isValidPath(p)) continue; SubstitutablePathInfo info; if (store.querySubstitutablePathInfo(p, info)) { willSubstitute.insert(p); downloadSize += info.downloadSize; narSize += info.narSize; todo.insert(info.references.begin(), info.references.end()); } else unknown.insert(p); } } } static void dfsVisit(StoreAPI & store, const PathSet & paths, const Path & path, PathSet & visited, Paths & sorted, PathSet & parents) { if (parents.find(path) != parents.end()) throw BuildError(format("cycle detected in the references of `%1%'") % path); parents.insert(path); if (visited.find(path) != visited.end()) return; visited.insert(path); PathSet references; if (store.isValidPath(path)) store.queryReferences(path, references); foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, references) /* Don't traverse into paths that don't exist. That can happen due to substitutes for non-existent paths. */ if (*i != path && paths.find(*i) != paths.end()) dfsVisit(store, paths, *i, visited, sorted, parents); sorted.push_front(path); parents.erase(path); } Paths topoSortPaths(StoreAPI & store, const PathSet & paths) { Paths sorted; PathSet visited, parents; foreach (PathSet::const_iterator, i, paths) dfsVisit(store, paths, *i, visited, sorted, parents); return sorted; } }