source ./


mkdir -p $flake1Dir $flake2Dir

writeSimpleFlake $flake2Dir
tar cfz $TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz -C $TEST_ROOT flake2
hash=$(nix hash path $flake2Dir)

dep=$(nix store add-path ./

cat > $flake1Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
  inputs.flake2.url = "file://$TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz";

  outputs = { self, flake2 }: {

    a1 = builtins.fetchTarball {
      #type = "tarball";
      url = "file://$TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz";
      sha256 = "$hash";

    a2 = ./foo;

    a3 = ./.;

    a4 = self.outPath;

    # FIXME
    a5 = self;

    a6 = flake2.outPath;

    # FIXME
    a7 = "\${flake2}/config.nix";

    # This is only allowed in impure mode.
    a8 = builtins.storePath $dep;

    a9 = "$dep";

    drvCall = with import ./config.nix; mkDerivation {
      name = "simple";
      builder = ./;
      PATH = "";
      goodPath = path;

    a10 = builtins.unsafeDiscardOutputDependency self.drvCall.drvPath;

    a11 = self.drvCall.drvPath;

    a12 = self.drvCall.outPath;

    a13 = "\${self.drvCall.drvPath}\${self.drvCall.outPath}";

cp ../simple.nix ../ ../config.nix $flake1Dir/

echo bar > $flake1Dir/foo

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a1
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/simple.nix ]]

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a2
[[ $(cat $TEST_ROOT/result) = bar ]]

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a3

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a4

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a6
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/simple.nix ]]

nix build --impure --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a8
diff $TEST_ROOT/result

expectStderr 1 nix build --impure --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a9 \
  | grepQuiet "has 0 entries in its context. It should only have exactly one entry"

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a10
[[ $(readlink -e $TEST_ROOT/result) = *simple.drv ]]

expectStderr 1 nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a11 \
  | grepQuiet "has a context which refers to a complete source and binary closure"

nix build --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a12
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/hello ]]

expectStderr 1 nix build --impure --json --out-link $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir#a13 \
  | grepQuiet "has 2 entries in its context. It should only have exactly one entry"