# Design and Data Model This chapter is about the technical principles behind Nix. ## Architecture Nix consists of hierarchical [layers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitier_architecture#Layers). ``` [ commmand line interface ] | | evaluates V [ configuration language ] | | evaluates to | reference V build [ build inputs ] --> [ build plans ] --> [ build results ] \ | / \ | persisted to / \ V / [ store ] ``` At the top is the *command line interface*, translating from invocations of Nix executables to interactions with the underlying layers. Below that is the *Nix language*, a [purely functional programming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purely_functional_programming) language. It is used to compose expressions which ultimately evaluate to self-contained *build steps*, used to derive *build results* from referenced *build inputs*. ::: {.note} The Nix language itself does not have a notion of *packages* or *configurations*. As far as we are concerned here, the inputs and results of a derivation are just data. In practice this amounts to a set of files in a file system. ::: The command line and Nix language are what users interact with most. Underlying everything is the *Nix store*, a mechanism to keep track of build plans, data, and references between them. It can also execute *build instructions*, captured in the build plans, to produce new data.