{ nixpkgs, ... }:

  name = "cgroups";

  nodes =
      host =
        { config, pkgs, ... }:
        { virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ pkgs.stdenvNoCC ];
          nix.extraOptions =
              extra-experimental-features = nix-command auto-allocate-uids cgroups
              extra-system-features = uid-range
          nix.settings.use-cgroups = true;
          nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${nixpkgs}" ];

  testScript = { nodes }: ''


    # Start build in background
    host.execute("NIX_REMOTE=daemon nix build --auto-allocate-uids --file ${./hang.nix} >&2 &")
    service = "/sys/fs/cgroup/system.slice/nix-daemon.service"

    # Wait for cgroups to be created
    host.succeed(f"until [ -e {service}/nix-daemon ]; do sleep 1; done", timeout=30)
    host.succeed(f"until [ -e {service}/nix-build-uid-* ]; do sleep 1; done", timeout=30)

    # Check that there aren't processes where there shouldn't be, and that there are where there should be
    host.succeed(f'[ -z "$(cat {service}/cgroup.procs)" ]')
    host.succeed(f'[ -n "$(cat {service}/nix-daemon/cgroup.procs)" ]')
    host.succeed(f'[ -n "$(cat {service}/nix-build-uid-*/cgroup.procs)" ]')
