#include "source-accessor.hh" #include "fs-sink.hh" #include "variant-wrapper.hh" namespace nix { /** * An source accessor for an in-memory file system. */ struct MemorySourceAccessor : virtual SourceAccessor { /** * In addition to being part of the implementation of * `MemorySourceAccessor`, this has a side benefit of nicely * defining what a "file system object" is in Nix. */ struct File { struct Regular { bool executable = false; std::string contents; GENERATE_CMP(Regular, me->executable, me->contents); }; struct Directory { using Name = std::string; std::map> contents; GENERATE_CMP(Directory, me->contents); }; struct Symlink { std::string target; GENERATE_CMP(Symlink, me->target); }; using Raw = std::variant; Raw raw; MAKE_WRAPPER_CONSTRUCTOR(File); GENERATE_CMP(File, me->raw); Stat lstat() const; }; File root { File::Directory {} }; GENERATE_CMP(MemorySourceAccessor, me->root); std::string readFile(const CanonPath & path) override; bool pathExists(const CanonPath & path) override; std::optional maybeLstat(const CanonPath & path) override; DirEntries readDirectory(const CanonPath & path) override; std::string readLink(const CanonPath & path) override; /** * @param create If present, create this file and any parent directories * that are needed. * * Return null if * * - `create = false`: File does not exist. * * - `create = true`: some parent file was not a dir, so couldn't * look/create inside. */ File * open(const CanonPath & path, std::optional create); CanonPath addFile(CanonPath path, std::string && contents); }; /** * Write to a `MemorySourceAccessor` at the given path */ struct MemorySink : FileSystemObjectSink { MemorySourceAccessor & dst; MemorySink(MemorySourceAccessor & dst) : dst(dst) { } void createDirectory(const Path & path) override; void createRegularFile( const Path & path, std::function) override; void createSymlink(const Path & path, const std::string & target) override; }; }