# redirect rules for paths (server-side) to prevent link rot. # see ./redirects.js for redirects based on URL fragments (client-side) # # concrete user story this supports: # - user finds URL to the manual for Nix x.y # - Nix x.z (z > y) is the most recent release # - updating the version in the URL will show the right thing # # format documentation: # - https://docs.netlify.com/routing/redirects/#syntax-for-the-redirects-file # - https://docs.netlify.com/routing/redirects/redirect-options/ # # conventions: # - always force (<CODE>!) since this allows re-using file names # - group related paths to ease readability # - keep in alphabetical/wildcards-last order, which will reduce version control conflicts # - redirects that should have been there but are missing can be inserted where they belong /advanced-topics/advanced-topics /advanced-topics 301! /command-ref/command-ref /command-ref 301! /contributing/contributing /contributing 301! /expressions/expression-language /language/ 301! /expressions/language-constructs /language/constructs 301! /expressions/language-operators /language/operators 301! /expressions/language-values /language/values 301! /expressions/* /language/:splat 301! /installation/installation /installation 301! /package-management/basic-package-mgmt /command-ref/nix-env 301! /package-management/channels /command-ref/nix-channel 301! /package-management/package-management /package-management 301! /package-management/s3-substituter /store/types/s3-binary-cache-store 301! /protocols/protocols /protocols 301! /release-notes/release-notes /release-notes 301!