# Nix

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Nix is a powerful package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package
management reliable and reproducible. Please refer to the [Nix manual](https://nixos.org/nix/manual)
for more details.

## Installation and first steps

Visit [nix.dev](https://nix.dev) for [installation instructions](https://nix.dev/tutorials/install-nix) and [beginner tutorials](https://nix.dev/tutorials/first-steps).

Full reference documentation can be found in the [Nix manual](https://nixos.org/nix/manual).

## Building And Developing

See our [Hacking guide](https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/contributing/hacking.html) in our manual for instruction on how to
 set up a development environment and build Nix from source.

## Contributing

Check the [contributing guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md) if you want to get involved with developing Nix.

## Additional Resources

- [Nix manual](https://nixos.org/nix/manual)
- [Nix jobsets on hydra.nixos.org](https://hydra.nixos.org/project/nix)
- [NixOS Discourse](https://discourse.nixos.org/)
- [Matrix - #nix:nixos.org](https://matrix.to/#/#nix:nixos.org)

## License

Nix is released under the [LGPL v2.1](./COPYING).