#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu set -o pipefail # Sourced from: # - https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/blob/8c29d0985d74b4a990238497c47a2542a5616b3c/bootstrap.sh # - https://gist.github.com/expipiplus1/e571ce88c608a1e83547c918591b149f/ac504c6c1b96e65505fbda437a28ce563408ecb0 # - https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-org-configurations/blob/a122f418797713d519aadf02e677fce0dc1cb446/delft/scripts/nix-mac-installer.sh # - https://github.com/matthewbauer/macNixOS/blob/f6045394f9153edea417be90c216788e754feaba/install-macNixOS.sh # - https://gist.github.com/LnL7/9717bd6cdcb30b086fd7f2093e5f8494/86b26f852ce563e973acd30f796a9a416248c34a # # however tracking which bits came from which would be impossible. readonly ESC='\033[0m' readonly BOLD='\033[1m' readonly BLUE='\033[34m' readonly BLUE_UL='\033[4;34m' readonly GREEN='\033[32m' readonly GREEN_UL='\033[4;32m' readonly RED='\033[31m' # installer allows overriding build user count to speed up installation # as creating each user takes non-trivial amount of time on macos readonly NIX_USER_COUNT=${NIX_USER_COUNT:-32} readonly NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID="30000" readonly NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME="nixbld" # darwin installer needs to override these NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID="30001" NIX_BUILD_USER_NAME_TEMPLATE="nixbld%d" # Please don't change this. We don't support it, because the # default shell profile that comes with Nix doesn't support it. readonly NIX_ROOT="/nix" readonly NIX_EXTRA_CONF=${NIX_EXTRA_CONF:-} readonly PROFILE_TARGETS=("/etc/bashrc" "/etc/profile.d/nix.sh" "/etc/zshrc" "/etc/bash.bashrc" "/etc/zsh/zshrc") readonly PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX=".backup-before-nix" readonly PROFILE_NIX_FILE="$NIX_ROOT/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh" readonly NIX_INSTALLED_NIX="@nix@" readonly NIX_INSTALLED_CACERT="@cacert@" #readonly NIX_INSTALLED_NIX="/nix/store/j8dbv5w6jl34caywh2ygdy88knx1mdf7-nix-2.3.6" #readonly NIX_INSTALLED_CACERT="/nix/store/7dxhzymvy330i28ii676fl1pqwcahv2f-nss-cacert-3.49.2" readonly EXTRACTED_NIX_PATH="$(dirname "$0")" readonly ROOT_HOME=~root if [ -t 0 ]; then readonly IS_HEADLESS='no' else readonly IS_HEADLESS='yes' fi headless() { if [ "$IS_HEADLESS" = "yes" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } contact_us() { echo "You can open an issue at https://github.com/nixos/nix/issues" echo "" echo "Or feel free to contact the team:" echo " - Matrix: #nix:nixos.org" echo " - IRC: in #nixos on irc.libera.chat" echo " - twitter: @nixos_org" echo " - forum: https://discourse.nixos.org" } get_help() { echo "We'd love to help if you need it." echo "" contact_us } uninstall_directions() { subheader "Uninstalling nix:" local step=0 if poly_service_installed_check; then step=$((step + 1)) poly_service_uninstall_directions "$step" fi for profile_target in "${PROFILE_TARGETS[@]}"; do if [ -e "$profile_target" ] && [ -e "$profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX" ]; then step=$((step + 1)) cat <<EOF $step. Restore $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX back to $profile_target sudo mv $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX $profile_target (after this one, you may need to re-open any terminals that were opened while it existed.) EOF fi done step=$((step + 1)) cat <<EOF $step. Delete the files Nix added to your system: sudo rm -rf /etc/nix $NIX_ROOT $ROOT_HOME/.nix-profile $ROOT_HOME/.nix-defexpr $ROOT_HOME/.nix-channels $HOME/.nix-profile $HOME/.nix-defexpr $HOME/.nix-channels and that is it. EOF } nix_user_for_core() { printf "$NIX_BUILD_USER_NAME_TEMPLATE" "$1" } nix_uid_for_core() { echo $((NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID + $1 - 1)) } _textout() { echo -en "$1" shift if [ "$*" = "" ]; then cat else echo "$@" fi echo -en "$ESC" } header() { follow="---------------------------------------------------------" header=$(echo "---- $* $follow$follow$follow" | head -c 80) echo "" _textout "$BLUE" "$header" } warningheader() { follow="---------------------------------------------------------" header=$(echo "---- $* $follow$follow$follow" | head -c 80) echo "" _textout "$RED" "$header" } subheader() { echo "" _textout "$BLUE_UL" "$*" } row() { printf "$BOLD%s$ESC:\\t%s\\n" "$1" "$2" } task() { echo "" ok "~~> $1" } bold() { echo "$BOLD$*$ESC" } ok() { _textout "$GREEN" "$@" } warning() { warningheader "warning!" cat echo "" } failure() { header "oh no!" _textout "$RED" "$@" echo "" _textout "$RED" "$(get_help)" trap finish_cleanup EXIT exit 1 } ui_confirm() { _textout "$GREEN$GREEN_UL" "$1" if headless; then echo "No TTY, assuming you would say yes :)" return 0 fi local prompt="[y/n] " echo -n "$prompt" while read -r y; do if [ "$y" = "y" ]; then echo "" return 0 elif [ "$y" = "n" ]; then echo "" return 1 else _textout "$RED" "Sorry, I didn't understand. I can only understand answers of y or n" echo -n "$prompt" fi done echo "" return 1 } printf -v _UNCHANGED_GRP_FMT "%b" $'\033[2m%='"$ESC" # "dim" # bold+invert+red and bold+invert+green just for the +/- below # red/green foreground for rest of the line printf -v _OLD_LINE_FMT "%b" $'\033[1;7;31m-'"$ESC ${RED}%L${ESC}" printf -v _NEW_LINE_FMT "%b" $'\033[1;7;32m+'"$ESC ${GREEN}%L${ESC}" _diff() { # simple colorized diff comatible w/ pre `--color` versions diff --unchanged-group-format="$_UNCHANGED_GRP_FMT" --old-line-format="$_OLD_LINE_FMT" --new-line-format="$_NEW_LINE_FMT" --unchanged-line-format=" %L" "$@" } confirm_rm() { local path="$1" if ui_confirm "Can I remove $path?"; then _sudo "to remove $path" rm "$path" fi } confirm_edit() { local path="$1" local edit_path="$2" cat <<EOF Nix isn't the only thing in $path, but I think I know how to edit it out. Here's the diff: EOF # could technically test the diff, but caller should do it _diff "$path" "$edit_path" if ui_confirm "Does the change above look right?"; then _sudo "remove nix from $path" cp "$edit_path" "$path" fi } _SERIOUS_BUSINESS="${RED}%s:${ESC} " password_confirm() { local do_something_consequential="$1" if ui_confirm "Can I $do_something_consequential?"; then # shellcheck disable=SC2059 sudo -kv --prompt="$(printf "${_SERIOUS_BUSINESS}" "Enter your password to $do_something_consequential")" else return 1 fi } # Support accumulating reminders over the course of a run and showing # them at the end. An example where this helps: the installer changes # something, but it won't work without a reboot. If you tell the user # when you do it, they may miss it in the stream. The value of the # setting isn't enough to decide whether to message because you only # need to message if you *changed* it. # reminders stored in array delimited by empty entry; if ! headless, # user is asked to confirm after each delimiter. _reminders=() ((_remind_num=1)) remind() { # (( arithmetic expression )) if (( _remind_num > 1 )); then header "Reminders" for line in "${_reminders[@]}"; do echo "$line" if ! headless && [ "${#line}" = 0 ]; then if read -r -p "Press enter/return to acknowledge."; then printf $'\033[A\33[2K\r' fi fi done fi } reminder() { printf -v label "${BLUE}[ %d ]${ESC}" "$_remind_num" _reminders+=("$label") if [[ "$*" = "" ]]; then while read -r line; do _reminders+=("$line") done else # this expands each arg to an array entry (and each entry will # ultimately be a separate line in the output) _reminders+=("$@") fi _reminders+=("") ((_remind_num++)) } __sudo() { local expl="$1" local cmd="$2" shift header "sudo execution" echo "I am executing:" echo "" printf " $ sudo %s\\n" "$cmd" echo "" echo "$expl" echo "" return 0 } _sudo() { local expl="$1" shift if ! headless; then __sudo "$expl" "$*" >&2 fi sudo "$@" } readonly SCRATCH=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp/}tmp.XXXXXXXXXX") finish_cleanup() { rm -rf "$SCRATCH" } finish_fail() { finish_cleanup failure <<EOF Jeeze, something went wrong. If you can take all the output and open an issue, we'd love to fix the problem so nobody else has this issue. :( EOF } trap finish_fail EXIT finish_success() { ok "Alright! We're done!" cat <<EOF Try it! Open a new terminal, and type: $(poly_extra_try_me_commands) $ nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m" Thank you for using this installer. If you have any feedback or need help, don't hesitate: $(contact_us) EOF remind finish_cleanup } finish_uninstall_success() { ok "Alright! Nix should be removed!" cat <<EOF If you spot anything this uninstaller missed or have feedback, don't hesitate: $(contact_us) EOF remind finish_cleanup } remove_nix_artifacts() { failure "Not implemented yet" } cure_artifacts() { poly_cure_artifacts # remove_nix_artifacts (LATER) } validate_starting_assumptions() { if type nix-env 2> /dev/null >&2; then warning <<EOF Nix already appears to be installed. This installer may run into issues. If an error occurs, try manually uninstalling, then rerunning this script. $(uninstall_directions) EOF fi for profile_target in "${PROFILE_TARGETS[@]}"; do # TODO: I think it would be good to accumulate a list of all # of the copies so that people don't hit this 2 or 3x in # a row for different files. if [ -e "$profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX" ]; then # this backup process first released in Nix 2.1 failure <<EOF I back up shell profile/rc scripts before I add Nix to them. I need to back up $profile_target to $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX, but the latter already exists. Here's how to clean up the old backup file: 1. Back up (copy) $profile_target and $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX to another location, just in case. 2. Ensure $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX does not have anything Nix-related in it. If it does, something is probably quite wrong. Please open an issue or get in touch immediately. 3. Once you confirm $profile_target is backed up and $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX doesn't mention Nix, run: mv $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX $profile_target EOF fi done } setup_report() { header "Nix config report" row " Temp Dir" "$SCRATCH" row " Nix Root" "$NIX_ROOT" row " Build Users" "$NIX_USER_COUNT" row " Build Group ID" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" row "Build Group Name" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" if [ "${ALLOW_PREEXISTING_INSTALLATION:-}" != "" ]; then row "Preexisting Install" "Allowed" fi subheader "build users:" row " Username" "UID" for i in $(seq 1 "$NIX_USER_COUNT"); do row " $(nix_user_for_core "$i")" "$(nix_uid_for_core "$i")" done echo "" } create_build_group() { local primary_group_id task "Setting up the build group $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" if ! poly_group_exists "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME"; then poly_create_build_group row " Created" "Yes" else primary_group_id=$(poly_group_id_get "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME") if [ "$primary_group_id" -ne "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" ]; then failure <<EOF It seems the build group $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME already exists, but with the UID $primary_group_id. This script can't really handle that right now, so I'm going to give up. You can fix this by editing this script and changing the NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID variable near the top to from $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID to $primary_group_id and re-run. EOF else row " Exists" "Yes" fi fi } create_build_user_for_core() { local coreid local username local uid coreid="$1" username=$(nix_user_for_core "$coreid") uid=$(nix_uid_for_core "$coreid") task "Setting up the build user $username" if ! poly_user_exists "$username"; then poly_create_build_user "$username" "$uid" "$coreid" row " Created" "Yes" else actual_uid=$(poly_user_id_get "$username") if [ "$actual_uid" != "$uid" ]; then failure <<EOF It seems the build user $username already exists, but with the UID with the UID '$actual_uid'. This script can't really handle that right now, so I'm going to give up. If you already created the users and you know they start from $actual_uid and go up from there, you can edit this script and change NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID near the top of the file to $actual_uid and try again. EOF else row " Exists" "Yes" fi fi if [ "$(poly_user_hidden_get "$username")" = "1" ]; then row " Hidden" "Yes" else poly_user_hidden_set "$username" row " Hidden" "Yes" fi if [ "$(poly_user_home_get "$username")" = "/var/empty" ]; then row " Home Directory" "/var/empty" else poly_user_home_set "$username" "/var/empty" row " Home Directory" "/var/empty" fi # We use grep instead of an equality check because it is difficult # to extract _just_ the user's note, instead it is prefixed with # some plist junk. This was causing the user note to always be set, # even if there was no reason for it. if ! poly_user_note_get "$username" | grep -q "Nix build user $coreid"; then row " Note" "Nix build user $coreid" else poly_user_note_set "$username" "Nix build user $coreid" row " Note" "Nix build user $coreid" fi if [ "$(poly_user_shell_get "$username")" = "/sbin/nologin" ]; then row " Logins Disabled" "Yes" else poly_user_shell_set "$username" "/sbin/nologin" row " Logins Disabled" "Yes" fi if poly_user_in_group_check "$username" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME"; then row " Member of $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" "Yes" else poly_user_in_group_set "$username" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" row " Member of $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" "Yes" fi if [ "$(poly_user_primary_group_get "$username")" = "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" ]; then row " PrimaryGroupID" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" else poly_user_primary_group_set "$username" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" row " PrimaryGroupID" "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" fi } create_build_users() { for i in $(seq 1 "$NIX_USER_COUNT"); do create_build_user_for_core "$i" done } create_directories() { # FIXME: remove all of this because it duplicates LocalStore::LocalStore(). task "Setting up the basic directory structure" if [ -d "$NIX_ROOT" ]; then # if /nix already exists, take ownership # # Caution: notes below are macOS-y # This is a bit of a goldilocks zone for taking ownership # if there are already files on the volume; the volume is # now mounted, but we haven't added a bunch of new files # this is probably a bit slow; I've been seeing 3.3-4s even # when promptly installed over a fresh single-user install. # In case anyone's aware of a shortcut. # `|| true`: .Trashes errors w/o full disk perm # rumor per #4488 that macOS 11.2 may not have # sbin on path, and that's where chown is, but # since this bit is cross-platform: # - first try with `command -vp` to try and find # chown in the usual places # - fall back on `command -v` which would find # any chown on path # if we don't find one, the command is already # hiding behind || true, and the general state # should be one the user can repair once they # figure out where chown is... local get_chr_own="$(command -vp chown)" if [[ -z "$get_chr_own" ]]; then get_chr_own="$(command -v chown)" fi _sudo "to take root ownership of existing Nix store files" \ "$get_chr_own" -R "root:$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" "$NIX_ROOT" || true fi _sudo "to make the basic directory structure of Nix (part 1)" \ install -dv -m 0755 /nix /nix/var /nix/var/log /nix/var/log/nix /nix/var/log/nix/drvs /nix/var/nix{,/db,/gcroots,/profiles,/temproots,/userpool} /nix/var/nix/{gcroots,profiles}/per-user _sudo "to make the basic directory structure of Nix (part 2)" \ install -dv -g "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" -m 1775 /nix/store _sudo "to place the default nix daemon configuration (part 1)" \ install -dv -m 0555 /etc/nix } place_channel_configuration() { if [ -z "${NIX_INSTALLER_NO_CHANNEL_ADD:-}" ]; then echo "https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable nixpkgs" > "$SCRATCH/.nix-channels" _sudo "to set up the default system channel (part 1)" \ install -m 0664 "$SCRATCH/.nix-channels" "$ROOT_HOME/.nix-channels" fi } welcome_to_nix() { ok "Welcome to the Multi-User Nix Installation" cat <<EOF This installation tool will set up your computer with the Nix package manager. This will happen in a few stages: 1. Make sure your computer doesn't already have Nix. If it does, I will show you instructions on how to clean up your old install. 2. Show you what I am going to install and where. Then I will ask if you are ready to continue. 3. Create the system users and groups that the Nix daemon uses to run builds. 4. Perform the basic installation of the Nix files daemon. 5. Configure your shell to import special Nix Profile files, so you can use Nix. 6. Start the Nix daemon. EOF if ui_confirm "Would you like to see a more detailed list of what I will do?"; then cat <<EOF I will: - make sure your computer doesn't already have Nix files (if it does, I will tell you how to clean them up.) - create local users (see the list above for the users I'll make) - create a local group ($NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME) - install Nix in to $NIX_ROOT - create a configuration file in /etc/nix - set up the "default profile" by creating some Nix-related files in $ROOT_HOME EOF for profile_target in "${PROFILE_TARGETS[@]}"; do if [ -e "$profile_target" ]; then cat <<EOF - back up $profile_target to $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX - update $profile_target to include some Nix configuration EOF fi done poly_service_setup_note if ! ui_confirm "Ready to continue?"; then failure <<EOF Okay, maybe you would like to talk to the team. EOF fi fi } chat_about_sudo() { header "let's talk about sudo" if headless; then cat <<EOF This script is going to call sudo a lot. Normally, it would show you exactly what commands it is running and why. However, the script is run in a headless fashion, like this: $ curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh or maybe in a CI pipeline. Because of that, I'm going to skip the verbose output in the interest of brevity. If you would like to see the output, try like this: $ curl -L -o install-nix https://nixos.org/nix/install $ sh ./install-nix EOF return 0 fi cat <<EOF This script is going to call sudo a lot. Every time I do, it'll output exactly what it'll do, and why. Just like this: EOF __sudo "to demonstrate how our sudo prompts look" \ echo "this is a sudo prompt" cat <<EOF This might look scary, but everything can be undone by running just a few commands. I used to ask you to confirm each time sudo ran, but it was too many times. Instead, I'll just ask you this one time: EOF if ui_confirm "Can I use sudo?"; then ok "Yay! Thanks! Let's get going!" else failure <<EOF That is okay, but I can't install. EOF fi } install_from_extracted_nix() { task "Installing Nix" ( cd "$EXTRACTED_NIX_PATH" _sudo "to copy the basic Nix files to the new store at $NIX_ROOT/store" \ cp -RLp ./store/* "$NIX_ROOT/store/" _sudo "to make the new store non-writable at $NIX_ROOT/store" \ chmod -R ugo-w "$NIX_ROOT/store/" if [ -d "$NIX_INSTALLED_NIX" ]; then echo " Alright! We have our first nix at $NIX_INSTALLED_NIX" else failure <<EOF Something went wrong, and I didn't find Nix installed at $NIX_INSTALLED_NIX. EOF fi _sudo "to load data for the first time in to the Nix Database" \ "$NIX_INSTALLED_NIX/bin/nix-store" --load-db < ./.reginfo echo " Just finished getting the nix database ready." ) } shell_source_lines() { cat <<EOF # Nix if [ -e '$PROFILE_NIX_FILE' ]; then . '$PROFILE_NIX_FILE' fi # End Nix EOF } configure_shell_profile() { task "Setting up shell profiles: ${PROFILE_TARGETS[*]}" for profile_target in "${PROFILE_TARGETS[@]}"; do if [ -e "$profile_target" ]; then _sudo "to back up your current $profile_target to $profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX" \ cp "$profile_target" "$profile_target$PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX" else # try to create the file if its directory exists target_dir="$(dirname "$profile_target")" if [ -d "$target_dir" ]; then _sudo "to create a stub $profile_target which will be updated" \ touch "$profile_target" fi fi if [ -e "$profile_target" ]; then shell_source_lines \ | _sudo "extend your $profile_target with nix-daemon settings" \ tee -a "$profile_target" fi done # TODO: should we suggest '. $PROFILE_NIX_FILE'? It would get them on # their way less disruptively, but a counter-argument is that they won't # immediately notice if something didn't get set up right? reminder "Nix won't work in active shell sessions until you restart them." } cert_in_store() { # in a subshell # - change into the cert-file dir # - get the phyiscal pwd # and test if this path is in the Nix store [[ "$(cd -- "$(dirname "$NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE")" && exec pwd -P)" == "$NIX_ROOT/store/"* ]] } setup_default_profile() { task "Setting up the default profile" _sudo "to install a bootstrapping Nix in to the default profile" \ HOME="$ROOT_HOME" "$NIX_INSTALLED_NIX/bin/nix-env" -i "$NIX_INSTALLED_NIX" if [ -z "${NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE:-}" ] || ! [ -f "${NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE:-}" ] || cert_in_store; then _sudo "to install a bootstrapping SSL certificate just for Nix in to the default profile" \ HOME="$ROOT_HOME" "$NIX_INSTALLED_NIX/bin/nix-env" -i "$NIX_INSTALLED_CACERT" export NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt fi if [ -z "${NIX_INSTALLER_NO_CHANNEL_ADD:-}" ]; then # Have to explicitly pass NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE as part of the sudo call, # otherwise it will be lost in environments where sudo doesn't pass # all the environment variables by default. if ! _sudo "to update the default channel in the default profile" \ HOME="$ROOT_HOME" NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE="$NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE" "$NIX_INSTALLED_NIX/bin/nix-channel" --update nixpkgs; then reminder <<EOF I had trouble fetching the nixpkgs channel (are you offline?) To try again later, run: sudo -i nix-channel --update nixpkgs EOF fi fi } place_nix_configuration() { cat <<EOF > "$SCRATCH/nix.conf" $NIX_EXTRA_CONF build-users-group = $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME EOF _sudo "to place the default nix daemon configuration (part 2)" \ install -m 0664 "$SCRATCH/nix.conf" /etc/nix/nix.conf } main() { # TODO: I've moved this out of validate_starting_assumptions so we # can fail faster in this case. Sourcing install-darwin... now runs # `touch /` to detect Read-only root, but it could update times on # pre-Catalina macOS if run as root user. if [ $EUID -eq 0 ]; then failure <<EOF Please do not run this script with root privileges. I will call sudo when I need to. EOF fi if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then # shellcheck source=./install-darwin-multi-user.sh . "$EXTRACTED_NIX_PATH/install-darwin-multi-user.sh" elif [ "$(uname -s)" = "Linux" ]; then # shellcheck source=./install-systemd-multi-user.sh . "$EXTRACTED_NIX_PATH/install-systemd-multi-user.sh" # most of this works on non-systemd distros also else failure "Sorry, I don't know what to do on $(uname)" fi welcome_to_nix chat_about_sudo cure_artifacts # TODO: there's a tension between cure and validate. I moved the # the sudo/root check out of validate to the head of this func. # Cure is *intended* to subsume the validate-and-abort approach, # so it may eventually obsolete it. validate_starting_assumptions setup_report if ! ui_confirm "Ready to continue?"; then ok "Alright, no changes have been made :)" get_help trap finish_cleanup EXIT exit 1 fi poly_prepare_to_install create_build_group create_build_users create_directories place_channel_configuration install_from_extracted_nix configure_shell_profile set +eu # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . /etc/profile set -eu setup_default_profile place_nix_configuration poly_configure_nix_daemon_service trap finish_success EXIT } # set an empty initial arg for bare invocations in case we need to # disambiguate someone directly invoking this later. if [ "${#@}" = 0 ]; then set "" fi # ACTION for override case "${1-}" in # uninstall) # shift # uninstall "$@";; # install == same as the no-arg condition for now (but, explicit) ""|install) main;; *) # holding space for future options (like uninstall + install?) failure "install-multi-user: invalid argument";; esac