source clearStore nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E '1 + 2' (! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval ./restricted.nix) (! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval <(echo '1 + 2')) nix-instantiate --restrict-eval ./simple.nix -I src=. nix-instantiate --restrict-eval ./simple.nix -I src1=simple.nix -I src2=config.nix -I src3=./ (! nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readFile ./simple.nix') nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readFile ./simple.nix' -I src=../.. (! nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readDir ../../src/nix-channel') nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'builtins.readDir ../../src/nix-channel' -I src=../../src expectStderr 1 nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'let __nixPath = [ { prefix = "foo"; path = ./.; } ]; in builtins.readFile <foo/simple.nix>' | grepQuiet "forbidden in restricted mode" nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E 'let __nixPath = [ { prefix = "foo"; path = ./.; } ]; in builtins.readFile <foo/simple.nix>' -I src=. p=$(nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/" --impure --restrict-eval --allowed-uris "file://$(pwd)") cmp $p (! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/" --impure --restrict-eval) (! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/" --impure --restrict-eval --allowed-uris "file://$(pwd)/") nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl file://$(pwd)/" --impure --restrict-eval --allowed-uris "file://$(pwd)/" (! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchurl" --impure --restrict-eval) (! nix eval --raw --expr "builtins.fetchTarball" --impure --restrict-eval) (! nix eval --raw --expr "fetchGit git://" --impure --restrict-eval) ln -sfn $(pwd)/restricted.nix $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix [[ $(nix-instantiate --eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix) == 3 ]] (! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix) (! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix -I $TEST_ROOT) (! nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix -I .) nix-instantiate --eval --restrict-eval $TEST_ROOT/restricted.nix -I $TEST_ROOT -I . [[ $(nix eval --raw --impure --restrict-eval -I . --expr 'builtins.readFile "${import ./simple.nix}/hello"') == 'Hello World!' ]] # Check that we can't follow a symlink outside of the allowed paths. mkdir -p $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d $TEST_ROOT/foo2 ln -sfn .. $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d/tunnel echo foo > $TEST_ROOT/bar expectStderr 1 nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E "let __nixPath = [ { prefix = \"foo\"; path = $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d; } ]; in builtins.readFile <foo/tunnel/bar>" -I $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d | grepQuiet "forbidden in restricted mode" expectStderr 1 nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E "let __nixPath = [ { prefix = \"foo\"; path = $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d; } ]; in builtins.readDir <foo/tunnel/foo2>" -I $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d | grepQuiet "forbidden in restricted mode" # Reading the parents of allowed paths should show only the ancestors of the allowed paths. [[ $(nix-instantiate --restrict-eval --eval -E "let __nixPath = [ { prefix = \"foo\"; path = $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d; } ]; in builtins.readDir <foo/tunnel>" -I $TEST_ROOT/tunnel.d) == '{ "tunnel.d" = "directory"; }' ]] # Check whether we can leak symlink information through directory traversal. traverseDir="$(pwd)/restricted-traverse-me" ln -sfn "$(pwd)/restricted-secret" "$(pwd)/restricted-innocent" mkdir -p "$traverseDir" goUp="..$(echo "$traverseDir" | sed -e 's,[^/]\+,..,g')" output="$(nix eval --raw --restrict-eval -I "$traverseDir" \ --expr "builtins.readFile \"$traverseDir/$goUp$(pwd)/restricted-innocent\"" \ 2>&1 || :)" echo "$output" | grep "is forbidden" echo "$output" | grepInverse -F restricted-secret expectStderr 1 nix-instantiate --restrict-eval true ./dependencies.nix | grepQuiet "forbidden in restricted mode"