with import <nix/config.nix>; let builder = builtins.toFile "unpack-channel.sh" '' mkdir $out cd $out ${bzip2} -d < $src | ${tar} xf - ${tarFlags} mv * $out/$channelName if [ -n "$binaryCacheURL" ]; then mkdir $out/binary-caches echo -n "$binaryCacheURL" > $out/binary-caches/$channelName fi ''; in { name, channelName, src, binaryCacheURL ? "" }: derivation { system = builtins.currentSystem; builder = shell; args = [ "-e" builder ]; inherit name channelName src binaryCacheURL; PATH = "${nixBinDir}:${coreutils}"; # No point in doing this remotely. preferLocalBuild = true; # Don't build in a chroot because Nix's dependencies may not be there. __noChroot = true; }