set -e if [ -e ]; then source; fi export IN_NIX_SHELL=impure export dontAddDisableDepTrack=1 if [[ -n $stdenv ]]; then source $stdenv/setup fi # Better to use compgen, but stdenv bash doesn't have it. __vars="$(declare -p)" __functions="$(declare -F)" __dumpEnv() { printf '{\n' printf ' "bashFunctions": {\n' local __first=1 while read __line; do if ! [[ $__line =~ ^declare\ -f\ (.*) ]]; then continue; fi __fun_name="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" __fun_body="$(type $__fun_name)" if [[ $__fun_body =~ \{(.*)\} ]]; then if [[ -z $__first ]]; then printf ',\n'; else __first=; fi __fun_body="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" printf " " __escapeString "$__fun_name" printf ':' __escapeString "$__fun_body" else printf "Cannot parse definition of function '%s'.\n" "$__fun_name" >&2 return 1 fi done < <(printf "%s\n" "$__functions") printf '\n },\n' printf ' "variables": {\n' local __first=1 while read __line; do if ! [[ $__line =~ ^declare\ (-[^ ])\ ([^=]*) ]]; then continue; fi local type="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" local __var_name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" if [[ -z $__first ]]; then printf ',\n'; else __first=; fi printf " " __escapeString "$__var_name" printf ': {' # FIXME: handle -i, -r, -n. if [[ $type == -x ]]; then printf '"type": "exported", "value": ' __escapeString "${!__var_name}" elif [[ $type == -- ]]; then printf '"type": "var", "value": ' __escapeString "${!__var_name}" elif [[ $type == -a ]]; then printf '"type": "array", "value": [' local __first2=1 __var_name="$__var_name[@]" for __i in "${!__var_name}"; do if [[ -z $__first2 ]]; then printf ', '; else __first2=; fi __escapeString "$__i" printf ' ' done printf ']' elif [[ $type == -A ]]; then printf '"type": "associative", "value": {\n' local __first2=1 declare -n __var_name2="$__var_name" for __i in "${!__var_name2[@]}"; do if [[ -z $__first2 ]]; then printf ',\n'; else __first2=; fi printf " " __escapeString "$__i" printf ": " __escapeString "${__var_name2[$__i]}" done printf '\n }' else printf '"type": "unknown"' fi printf "}" done < <(printf "%s\n" "$__vars") printf '\n }\n}' } __escapeString() { local __s="$1" __s="${__s//\\/\\\\}" __s="${__s//\"/\\\"}" __s="${__s//$'\n'/\\n}" __s="${__s//$'\r'/\\r}" __s="${__s//$'\t'/\\t}" printf '"%s"' "$__s" } # Dump the bash environment as JSON. for __output in $outputs; do if [[ -z $__done ]]; then __dumpEnv > ${!__output} __done=1 else echo -n >> ${!__output} fi done