#include "primops.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "make-content-addressed.hh" #include "url.hh" namespace nix { static void prim_fetchClosure(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v) { state.forceAttrs(*args[0], pos, "while evaluating the argument passed to builtins.fetchClosure"); std::optional fromStoreUrl; std::optional fromPath; bool toCA = false; std::optional toPath; for (auto & attr : *args[0]->attrs) { const auto & attrName = state.symbols[attr.name]; if (attrName == "fromPath") { PathSet context; fromPath = state.coerceToStorePath(attr.pos, *attr.value, context, "while evaluating the 'fromPath' attribute passed to builtins.fetchClosure"); } else if (attrName == "toPath") { state.forceValue(*attr.value, attr.pos); toCA = true; if (attr.value->type() != nString || attr.value->string.s != std::string("")) { PathSet context; toPath = state.coerceToStorePath(attr.pos, *attr.value, context, "while evaluating the 'toPath' attribute passed to builtins.fetchClosure"); } } else if (attrName == "fromStore") fromStoreUrl = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, attr.pos, "while evaluating the 'fromStore' attribute passed to builtins.fetchClosure"); else throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%s' isn't supported in call to 'fetchClosure'", attrName), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); } if (!fromPath) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%s' is missing in call to 'fetchClosure'", "fromPath"), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); if (!fromStoreUrl) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("attribute '%s' is missing in call to 'fetchClosure'", "fromStore"), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); auto parsedURL = parseURL(*fromStoreUrl); if (parsedURL.scheme != "http" && parsedURL.scheme != "https" && !(getEnv("_NIX_IN_TEST").has_value() && parsedURL.scheme == "file")) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("'fetchClosure' only supports http:// and https:// stores"), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); if (!parsedURL.query.empty()) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("'fetchClosure' does not support URL query parameters (in '%s')", *fromStoreUrl), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); auto fromStore = openStore(parsedURL.to_string()); if (toCA) { if (!toPath || !state.store->isValidPath(*toPath)) { auto remappings = makeContentAddressed(*fromStore, *state.store, { *fromPath }); auto i = remappings.find(*fromPath); assert(i != remappings.end()); if (toPath && *toPath != i->second) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("rewriting '%s' to content-addressed form yielded '%s', while '%s' was expected", state.store->printStorePath(*fromPath), state.store->printStorePath(i->second), state.store->printStorePath(*toPath)), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); if (!toPath) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt( "rewriting '%s' to content-addressed form yielded '%s'; " "please set this in the 'toPath' attribute passed to 'fetchClosure'", state.store->printStorePath(*fromPath), state.store->printStorePath(i->second)), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); } } else { if (!state.store->isValidPath(*fromPath)) copyClosure(*fromStore, *state.store, RealisedPath::Set { *fromPath }); toPath = fromPath; } /* In pure mode, require a CA path. */ if (evalSettings.pureEval) { auto info = state.store->queryPathInfo(*toPath); if (!info->isContentAddressed(*state.store)) throw Error({ .msg = hintfmt("in pure mode, 'fetchClosure' requires a content-addressed path, which '%s' isn't", state.store->printStorePath(*toPath)), .errPos = state.positions[pos] }); } auto toPathS = state.store->printStorePath(*toPath); v.mkString(toPathS, {toPathS}); } static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchClosure({ .name = "__fetchClosure", .args = {"args"}, .doc = R"( Fetch a Nix store closure from a binary cache, rewriting it into content-addressed form. For example, ```nix builtins.fetchClosure { fromStore = "https://cache.nixos.org"; fromPath = /nix/store/r2jd6ygnmirm2g803mksqqjm4y39yi6i-git-2.33.1; toPath = /nix/store/ldbhlwhh39wha58rm61bkiiwm6j7211j-git-2.33.1; } ``` fetches `/nix/store/r2jd...` from the specified binary cache, and rewrites it into the content-addressed store path `/nix/store/ldbh...`. If `fromPath` is already content-addressed, or if you are allowing impure evaluation (`--impure`), then `toPath` may be omitted. To find out the correct value for `toPath` given a `fromPath`, you can use `nix store make-content-addressed`: ```console # nix store make-content-addressed --from https://cache.nixos.org /nix/store/r2jd6ygnmirm2g803mksqqjm4y39yi6i-git-2.33.1 rewrote '/nix/store/r2jd6ygnmirm2g803mksqqjm4y39yi6i-git-2.33.1' to '/nix/store/ldbhlwhh39wha58rm61bkiiwm6j7211j-git-2.33.1' ``` This function is similar to `builtins.storePath` in that it allows you to use a previously built store path in a Nix expression. However, it is more reproducible because it requires specifying a binary cache from which the path can be fetched. Also, requiring a content-addressed final store path avoids the need for users to configure binary cache public keys. This function is only available if you enable the experimental feature `fetch-closure`. )", .fun = prim_fetchClosure, .experimentalFeature = Xp::FetchClosure, }); }