#include "globals.hh" #include "installable-flake.hh" #include "installable-derived-path.hh" #include "outputs-spec.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "command.hh" #include "attr-path.hh" #include "common-eval-args.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "eval.hh" #include "get-drvs.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "flake/flake.hh" #include "eval-cache.hh" #include "url.hh" #include "registry.hh" #include "build-result.hh" #include #include #include namespace nix { std::vector InstallableFlake::getActualAttrPaths() { std::vector res; for (auto & prefix : prefixes) res.push_back(prefix + *attrPaths.begin()); for (auto & s : attrPaths) res.push_back(s); return res; } Value * InstallableFlake::getFlakeOutputs(EvalState & state, const flake::LockedFlake & lockedFlake) { auto vFlake = state.allocValue(); callFlake(state, lockedFlake, *vFlake); auto aOutputs = vFlake->attrs->get(state.symbols.create("outputs")); assert(aOutputs); state.forceValue(*aOutputs->value, [&]() { return aOutputs->value->determinePos(noPos); }); return aOutputs->value; } static std::string showAttrPaths(const std::vector & paths) { std::string s; for (const auto & [n, i] : enumerate(paths)) { if (n > 0) s += n + 1 == paths.size() ? " or " : ", "; s += '\''; s += i; s += '\''; } return s; } InstallableFlake::InstallableFlake( SourceExprCommand * cmd, ref state, FlakeRef && flakeRef, std::string_view fragment, ExtendedOutputsSpec extendedOutputsSpec, Strings attrPaths, Strings prefixes, const flake::LockFlags & lockFlags) : InstallableValue(state), flakeRef(flakeRef), attrPaths(fragment == "" ? attrPaths : Strings{(std::string) fragment}), prefixes(fragment == "" ? Strings{} : prefixes), extendedOutputsSpec(std::move(extendedOutputsSpec)), lockFlags(lockFlags) { if (cmd && cmd->getAutoArgs(*state)->size()) throw UsageError("'--arg' and '--argstr' are incompatible with flakes"); } DerivedPathsWithInfo InstallableFlake::toDerivedPaths() { Activity act(*logger, lvlTalkative, actUnknown, fmt("evaluating derivation '%s'", what())); auto attr = getCursor(*state); auto attrPath = attr->getAttrPathStr(); if (!attr->isDerivation()) { // FIXME: use eval cache? auto v = attr->forceValue(); if (v.type() == nPath) { PathSet context; auto storePath = state->copyPathToStore(context, Path(v.path)); return {{ .path = DerivedPath::Opaque { .path = std::move(storePath), }, .info = make_ref(), }}; } else if (v.type() == nString) { PathSet context; auto s = state->forceString(v, context, noPos, fmt("while evaluating the flake output attribute '%s'", attrPath)); auto storePath = state->store->maybeParseStorePath(s); if (storePath && context.count(std::string(s))) { return {{ .path = DerivedPath::Opaque { .path = std::move(*storePath), }, .info = make_ref(), }}; } else throw Error("flake output attribute '%s' evaluates to the string '%s' which is not a store path", attrPath, s); } else throw Error("flake output attribute '%s' is not a derivation or path", attrPath); } auto drvPath = attr->forceDerivation(); std::optional priority; if (attr->maybeGetAttr(state->sOutputSpecified)) { } else if (auto aMeta = attr->maybeGetAttr(state->sMeta)) { if (auto aPriority = aMeta->maybeGetAttr("priority")) priority = aPriority->getInt(); } return {{ .path = DerivedPath::Built { .drvPath = std::move(drvPath), .outputs = std::visit(overloaded { [&](const ExtendedOutputsSpec::Default & d) -> OutputsSpec { std::set outputsToInstall; if (auto aOutputSpecified = attr->maybeGetAttr(state->sOutputSpecified)) { if (aOutputSpecified->getBool()) { if (auto aOutputName = attr->maybeGetAttr("outputName")) outputsToInstall = { aOutputName->getString() }; } } else if (auto aMeta = attr->maybeGetAttr(state->sMeta)) { if (auto aOutputsToInstall = aMeta->maybeGetAttr("outputsToInstall")) for (auto & s : aOutputsToInstall->getListOfStrings()) outputsToInstall.insert(s); } if (outputsToInstall.empty()) outputsToInstall.insert("out"); return OutputsSpec::Names { std::move(outputsToInstall) }; }, [&](const ExtendedOutputsSpec::Explicit & e) -> OutputsSpec { return e; }, }, extendedOutputsSpec.raw()), }, .info = make_ref( ExtraPathInfoValue::Value { .priority = priority, .attrPath = attrPath, .extendedOutputsSpec = extendedOutputsSpec, }, ExtraPathInfoFlake::Flake { .originalRef = flakeRef, .resolvedRef = getLockedFlake()->flake.lockedRef, }), }}; } std::pair InstallableFlake::toValue(EvalState & state) { return {&getCursor(state)->forceValue(), noPos}; } std::vector> InstallableFlake::getCursors(EvalState & state) { auto evalCache = openEvalCache(state, getLockedFlake()); auto root = evalCache->getRoot(); std::vector> res; Suggestions suggestions; auto attrPaths = getActualAttrPaths(); for (auto & attrPath : attrPaths) { debug("trying flake output attribute '%s'", attrPath); auto attr = root->findAlongAttrPath(parseAttrPath(state, attrPath)); if (attr) { res.push_back(ref(*attr)); } else { suggestions += attr.getSuggestions(); } } if (res.size() == 0) throw Error( suggestions, "flake '%s' does not provide attribute %s", flakeRef, showAttrPaths(attrPaths)); return res; } std::shared_ptr InstallableFlake::getLockedFlake() const { if (!_lockedFlake) { flake::LockFlags lockFlagsApplyConfig = lockFlags; // FIXME why this side effect? lockFlagsApplyConfig.applyNixConfig = true; _lockedFlake = std::make_shared(lockFlake(*state, flakeRef, lockFlagsApplyConfig)); } return _lockedFlake; } FlakeRef InstallableFlake::nixpkgsFlakeRef() const { auto lockedFlake = getLockedFlake(); if (auto nixpkgsInput = lockedFlake->lockFile.findInput({"nixpkgs"})) { if (auto lockedNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(nixpkgsInput)) { debug("using nixpkgs flake '%s'", lockedNode->lockedRef); return std::move(lockedNode->lockedRef); } } return InstallableValue::nixpkgsFlakeRef(); } }