mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 03:07:17 +02:00
324 lines
9.8 KiB
324 lines
9.8 KiB
#include "tarball.hh"
#include "fetchers.hh"
#include "cache.hh"
#include "filetransfer.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "archive.hh"
#include "tarfile.hh"
#include "types.hh"
#include "split.hh"
#include "posix-source-accessor.hh"
namespace nix::fetchers {
DownloadFileResult downloadFile(
ref<Store> store,
const std::string & url,
const std::string & name,
bool locked,
const Headers & headers)
// FIXME: check store
Attrs inAttrs({
{"type", "file"},
{"url", url},
{"name", name},
auto cached = getCache()->lookupExpired(*store, inAttrs);
auto useCached = [&]() -> DownloadFileResult
return {
.storePath = std::move(cached->storePath),
.etag = getStrAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "etag"),
.effectiveUrl = getStrAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "url"),
.immutableUrl = maybeGetStrAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "immutableUrl"),
if (cached && !cached->expired)
return useCached();
FileTransferRequest request(url);
request.headers = headers;
if (cached)
request.expectedETag = getStrAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "etag");
FileTransferResult res;
try {
res = getFileTransfer()->download(request);
} catch (FileTransferError & e) {
if (cached) {
warn("%s; using cached version", e.msg());
return useCached();
} else
// FIXME: write to temporary file.
Attrs infoAttrs({
{"etag", res.etag},
{"url", res.effectiveUri},
if (res.immutableUrl)
infoAttrs.emplace("immutableUrl", *res.immutableUrl);
std::optional<StorePath> storePath;
if (res.cached) {
storePath = std::move(cached->storePath);
} else {
StringSink sink;
dumpString(res.data, sink);
auto hash = hashString(HashAlgorithm::SHA256, res.data);
ValidPathInfo info {
FixedOutputInfo {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Flat,
.hash = hash,
.references = {},
hashString(HashAlgorithm::SHA256, sink.s),
info.narSize = sink.s.size();
auto source = StringSource { sink.s };
store->addToStore(info, source, NoRepair, NoCheckSigs);
storePath = std::move(info.path);
if (url != res.effectiveUri)
{"type", "file"},
{"url", res.effectiveUri},
{"name", name},
return {
.storePath = std::move(*storePath),
.etag = res.etag,
.effectiveUrl = res.effectiveUri,
.immutableUrl = res.immutableUrl,
DownloadTarballResult downloadTarball(
ref<Store> store,
const std::string & url,
const std::string & name,
bool locked,
const Headers & headers)
Attrs inAttrs({
{"type", "tarball"},
{"url", url},
{"name", name},
auto cached = getCache()->lookupExpired(*store, inAttrs);
if (cached && !cached->expired)
return {
.storePath = std::move(cached->storePath),
.lastModified = (time_t) getIntAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "lastModified"),
.immutableUrl = maybeGetStrAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "immutableUrl"),
auto res = downloadFile(store, url, name, locked, headers);
std::optional<StorePath> unpackedStorePath;
time_t lastModified;
if (cached && res.etag != "" && getStrAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "etag") == res.etag) {
unpackedStorePath = std::move(cached->storePath);
lastModified = getIntAttr(cached->infoAttrs, "lastModified");
} else {
Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
AutoDelete autoDelete(tmpDir, true);
unpackTarfile(store->toRealPath(res.storePath), tmpDir);
auto members = readDirectory(tmpDir);
if (members.size() != 1)
throw nix::Error("tarball '%s' contains an unexpected number of top-level files", url);
auto topDir = tmpDir + "/" + members.begin()->name;
lastModified = lstat(topDir).st_mtime;
PosixSourceAccessor accessor;
unpackedStorePath = store->addToStore(name, accessor, CanonPath { topDir }, FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, HashAlgorithm::SHA256, {}, defaultPathFilter, NoRepair);
Attrs infoAttrs({
{"lastModified", uint64_t(lastModified)},
{"etag", res.etag},
if (res.immutableUrl)
infoAttrs.emplace("immutableUrl", *res.immutableUrl);
return {
.storePath = std::move(*unpackedStorePath),
.lastModified = lastModified,
.immutableUrl = res.immutableUrl,
// An input scheme corresponding to a curl-downloadable resource.
struct CurlInputScheme : InputScheme
const std::set<std::string> transportUrlSchemes = {"file", "http", "https"};
const bool hasTarballExtension(std::string_view path) const
return hasSuffix(path, ".zip") || hasSuffix(path, ".tar")
|| hasSuffix(path, ".tgz") || hasSuffix(path, ".tar.gz")
|| hasSuffix(path, ".tar.xz") || hasSuffix(path, ".tar.bz2")
|| hasSuffix(path, ".tar.zst");
virtual bool isValidURL(const ParsedURL & url, bool requireTree) const = 0;
std::optional<Input> inputFromURL(const ParsedURL & _url, bool requireTree) const override
if (!isValidURL(_url, requireTree))
return std::nullopt;
Input input;
auto url = _url;
url.scheme = parseUrlScheme(url.scheme).transport;
auto narHash = url.query.find("narHash");
if (narHash != url.query.end())
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("narHash", narHash->second);
if (auto i = get(url.query, "rev"))
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", *i);
if (auto i = get(url.query, "revCount"))
if (auto n = string2Int<uint64_t>(*i))
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("revCount", *n);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("type", std::string { schemeName() });
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("url", url.to_string());
return input;
StringSet allowedAttrs() const override
return {
std::optional<Input> inputFromAttrs(const Attrs & attrs) const override
Input input;
input.attrs = attrs;
//input.locked = (bool) maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "hash");
return input;
ParsedURL toURL(const Input & input) const override
auto url = parseURL(getStrAttr(input.attrs, "url"));
// NAR hashes are preferred over file hashes since tar/zip
// files don't have a canonical representation.
if (auto narHash = input.getNarHash())
url.query.insert_or_assign("narHash", narHash->to_string(HashFormat::SRI, true));
return url;
struct FileInputScheme : CurlInputScheme
std::string_view schemeName() const override { return "file"; }
bool isValidURL(const ParsedURL & url, bool requireTree) const override
auto parsedUrlScheme = parseUrlScheme(url.scheme);
return transportUrlSchemes.count(std::string(parsedUrlScheme.transport))
&& (parsedUrlScheme.application
? parsedUrlScheme.application.value() == schemeName()
: (!requireTree && !hasTarballExtension(url.path)));
std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetch(ref<Store> store, const Input & input) override
auto file = downloadFile(store, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "url"), input.getName(), false);
return {std::move(file.storePath), input};
struct TarballInputScheme : CurlInputScheme
std::string_view schemeName() const override { return "tarball"; }
bool isValidURL(const ParsedURL & url, bool requireTree) const override
auto parsedUrlScheme = parseUrlScheme(url.scheme);
return transportUrlSchemes.count(std::string(parsedUrlScheme.transport))
&& (parsedUrlScheme.application
? parsedUrlScheme.application.value() == schemeName()
: (requireTree || hasTarballExtension(url.path)));
std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetch(ref<Store> store, const Input & _input) override
Input input(_input);
auto url = getStrAttr(input.attrs, "url");
auto result = downloadTarball(store, url, input.getName(), false);
if (result.immutableUrl) {
auto immutableInput = Input::fromURL(*result.immutableUrl);
// FIXME: would be nice to support arbitrary flakerefs
// here, e.g. git flakes.
if (immutableInput.getType() != "tarball")
throw Error("tarball 'Link' headers that redirect to non-tarball URLs are not supported");
input = immutableInput;
if (result.lastModified && !input.attrs.contains("lastModified"))
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("lastModified", uint64_t(result.lastModified));
return {result.storePath, std::move(input)};
static auto rTarballInputScheme = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<TarballInputScheme>()); });
static auto rFileInputScheme = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<FileInputScheme>()); });