mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 05:37:17 +02:00
276 lines
7.3 KiB
276 lines
7.3 KiB
source common.sh
if [[ -z $(type -p git) ]]; then
echo "Git not installed; skipping flake tests"
exit 99
export _NIX_FORCE_HTTP=1
rm -rf $TEST_HOME/.cache
for repo in $flake1Dir $flake2Dir $flake3Dir $nonFlakeDir; do
rm -rf $repo $repo.tmp
mkdir $repo
git -C $repo init
git -C $repo config user.email "foobar@example.com"
git -C $repo config user.name "Foobar"
cat > $flake1Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
name = "flake1";
epoch = 201906;
description = "Bla bla";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.foo = import ./simple.nix;
defaultPackage = packages.foo;
cp ./simple.nix ./simple.builder.sh ./config.nix $flake1Dir/
git -C $flake1Dir add flake.nix simple.nix simple.builder.sh config.nix
git -C $flake1Dir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $flake2Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
name = "flake2";
epoch = 201906;
inputs = [ "flake1" ];
description = "Fnord";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.bar = inputs.flake1.packages.foo;
git -C $flake2Dir add flake.nix
git -C $flake2Dir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
name = "flake3";
epoch = 201906;
inputs = [ "flake2" ];
description = "Fnord";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.xyzzy = inputs.flake2.packages.bar;
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $nonFlakeDir/README.md <<EOF
git -C $nonFlakeDir add README.md
git -C $nonFlakeDir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $registry <<EOF
"flakes": {
"flake1": {
"uri": "file://$flake1Dir"
"flake2": {
"uri": "file://$flake2Dir"
"flake3": {
"uri": "file://$flake3Dir"
"nixpkgs": {
"uri": "flake1"
"version": 1
# Test 'nix flake list'.
(( $(nix flake list --flake-registry $registry | wc -l) == 4 ))
# Test 'nix flake info'.
nix flake info --flake-registry $registry flake1 | grep -q 'ID: *flake1'
# Test 'nix flake info' on a local flake.
(cd $flake1Dir && nix flake info --flake-registry $registry) | grep -q 'ID: *flake1'
(cd $flake1Dir && nix flake info --flake-registry $registry .) | grep -q 'ID: *flake1'
nix flake info --flake-registry $registry $flake1Dir | grep -q 'ID: *flake1'
# Test 'nix flake info --json'.
json=$(nix flake info --flake-registry $registry flake1 --json | jq .)
[[ $(echo "$json" | jq -r .description) = 'Bla bla' ]]
[[ -d $(echo "$json" | jq -r .path) ]]
[[ $(echo "$json" | jq -r .lastModified) = $(git -C $flake1Dir log -n1 --format=%ct) ]]
# Test 'nix build' on a flake.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake1:foo
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/hello ]]
# Test defaultPackage.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake1
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/hello ]]
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake1Dir
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry file://$flake1Dir
# Building a flake with an unlocked dependency should fail in pure mode.
(! nix eval "(builtins.getFlake "$flake2Dir")")
# But should succeed in impure mode.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake2:bar --impure
# Test automatic lock file generation.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake2Dir:bar
[[ -e $flake2Dir/flake.lock ]]
git -C $flake2Dir commit flake.lock -m 'Add flake.lock'
# Rerunning the build should not change the lockfile.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake2Dir:bar
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
# Now we should be able to build the flake in pure mode.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake2:bar
# Or without a registry.
# FIXME: shouldn't need '--flake-registry /no-registry'?
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry /no-registry file://$flake2Dir:bar --tarball-ttl 0
# Test whether indirect dependencies work.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake3Dir:xyzzy
# Add dependency to flake3.
rm $flake3Dir/flake.nix
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
name = "flake3";
epoch = 201906;
inputs = [ "flake1" "flake2" ];
description = "Fnord";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.xyzzy = inputs.flake2.packages.bar;
packages.sth = inputs.flake1.packages.foo;
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Update flake.nix'
# Check whether `nix build` works with an incomplete lockfile
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake3Dir:sth
# Check whether it saved the lockfile
[[ ! (-z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master)) ]]
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Add lockfile'
# Unsupported epochs should be an error.
sed -i $flake3Dir/flake.nix -e s/201906/201909/
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake3Dir:sth 2>&1 | grep 'unsupported epoch'
# Test whether registry caching works.
nix flake list --flake-registry file://$registry | grep -q flake3
mv $registry $registry.tmp
nix flake list --flake-registry file://$registry --tarball-ttl 0 | grep -q flake3
mv $registry.tmp $registry
# Test whether flakes are registered as GC roots for offline use.
# FIXME: use tarballs rather than git.
rm -rf $TEST_HOME/.cache
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry file://$registry file://$flake2Dir:bar
mv $flake1Dir $flake1Dir.tmp
mv $flake2Dir $flake2Dir.tmp
nix-store --gc
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry file://$registry file://$flake2Dir:bar
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry file://$registry file://$flake2Dir:bar --tarball-ttl 0
mv $flake1Dir.tmp $flake1Dir
mv $flake2Dir.tmp $flake2Dir
# Add nonFlakeInputs to flake3.
rm $flake3Dir/flake.nix
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
name = "flake3";
epoch = 201906;
inputs = [ "flake1" "flake2" ];
nonFlakeInputs = {
nonFlake = "$nonFlakeDir";
description = "Fnord";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.xyzzy = inputs.flake2.packages.bar;
packages.sth = inputs.flake1.packages.foo;
packages.fnord =
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
inherit system;
name = "fnord";
buildCommand = ''
cat \${inputs.nonFlake}/README.md > \$out
cp ./config.nix $flake3Dir
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix config.nix
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Add nonFlakeInputs'
# Check whether `nix build` works with a lockfile which is missing a
# nonFlakeInputs.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry $flake3Dir:sth
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Update nonFlakeInputs'
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake3:fnord
[[ $(cat $TEST_ROOT/result) = FNORD ]]
# Check whether flake input fetching is lazy: flake3:sth does not
# depend on flake2, so this shouldn't fail.
rm -rf $TEST_HOME/.cache
mv $flake2Dir $flake2Dir.tmp
mv $nonFlakeDir $nonFlakeDir.tmp
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake3:sth
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake3:xyzzy)
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake3:fnord)
mv $flake2Dir.tmp $flake2Dir
mv $nonFlakeDir.tmp $nonFlakeDir
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry $registry flake3:xyzzy flake3:fnord