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synced 2025-02-12 13:17:18 +02:00
![John Ericson](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
The release notes document the change in behavior, I don't include it here so there is no risk to it getting out of sync. > Motivation >> Plumbing CLI should be simple Store derivation installations are intended as "plumbing": very simple utilities for advanced users and scripts, and not what regular users interact with. (Similarly, regular Git users will use branch and tag names not explicit hashes for most things.) The plumbing CLI should prize simplicity over convenience; that is its raison d'etre. If the user provides a path, we should treat it the same way not caring what sort of path it is. >> Scripting This is especially important for the scripting use-case. when arbitrary paths are sent to e.g. `nix copy` and the script author wants consistent behavior regardless of what those store paths are. Otherwise the script author needs to be careful to filter out `.drv` ones, and then run `nix copy` again with those paths and `--derivation`. That is not good! >> Surprisingly low impact Only two lines in the tests need changing, showing that the impact of this is pretty light. Many command, like `nix log` will continue to work with just the derivation passed as before. This because we used to: - Special case the drv path and replace it with it's outputs (what this gets rid of). - Turn those output path *back* into the original drv path. Now we just skip that entire round trip! > Context Issue #7261 lays out a broader vision for getting rid of `--derivation`, and has this as one of its dependencies. But we can do this with or without that. `Installable::toDerivations` is changed to handle the case of a `DerivedPath::Opaque` ending in `.drv`, which is new: it simply doesn't need to do any extra work in that case. On this basis, commands like `nix {show-derivation,log} /nix/store/...-foo.drv` still work as before, as described above. When testing older daemons, the post-build-hook will be run against the old CLI, so we need the old version of the post-build-hook to support that use-case. Co-authored-by: Travis A. Everett <travis.a.everett@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Valentin Gagarin <valentin.gagarin@tweag.io>
286 lines
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286 lines
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source common.sh
needLocalStore "'--no-require-sigs' can’t be used with the daemon"
# We can produce drvs directly into the binary cache
nix-instantiate --store "file://$cacheDir" dependencies.nix
# Create the binary cache.
outPath=$(nix-build dependencies.nix --no-out-link)
nix copy --to file://$cacheDir $outPath
# Test copying build logs to the binary cache.
nix log --store file://$cacheDir $outPath 2>&1 | grep 'is not available'
nix store copy-log --to file://$cacheDir $outPath
nix log --store file://$cacheDir $outPath | grep FOO
rm -rf $TEST_ROOT/var/log/nix
nix log $outPath 2>&1 | grep 'is not available'
nix log --substituters file://$cacheDir $outPath | grep FOO
# Test copying build logs from the binary cache.
nix store copy-log --from file://$cacheDir $(nix-store -qd $outPath)^'*'
nix log $outPath | grep FOO
basicDownloadTests() {
# No uploading tests bcause upload with force HTTP doesn't work.
# By default, a binary cache doesn't support "nix-env -qas", but does
# support installation.
nix-env --substituters "file://$cacheDir" -f dependencies.nix -qas \* | grep -- "---"
nix-store --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs -r $outPath
[ -x $outPath/program ]
# But with the right configuration, "nix-env -qas" should also work.
echo "WantMassQuery: 1" >> $cacheDir/nix-cache-info
nix-env --substituters "file://$cacheDir" -f dependencies.nix -qas \* | grep -- "--S"
nix-env --substituters "file://$cacheDir" -f dependencies.nix -qas \* | grep -- "--S"
x=$(nix-env -f dependencies.nix -qas \* --prebuilt-only)
[ -z "$x" ]
nix-store --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs -r $outPath
nix-store --check-validity $outPath
nix-store -qR $outPath | grep input-2
echo "WantMassQuery: 0" >> $cacheDir/nix-cache-info
# Test LocalBinaryCacheStore.
# Test HttpBinaryCacheStore.
export _NIX_FORCE_HTTP=1
# Test whether Nix notices if the NAR doesn't match the hash in the NAR info.
nar=$(ls $cacheDir/nar/*.nar.xz | head -n1)
mv $nar $nar.good
mkdir -p $TEST_ROOT/empty
nix-store --dump $TEST_ROOT/empty | xz > $nar
nix-build --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result 2>&1 | tee $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "hash mismatch" $TEST_ROOT/log
mv $nar.good $nar
# Test whether this unsigned cache is rejected if the user requires signed caches.
if nix-store --substituters "file://$cacheDir" -r $outPath; then
echo "unsigned binary cache incorrectly accepted"
exit 1
# Test whether fallback works if a NAR has disappeared. This does not require --fallback.
mv $cacheDir/nar $cacheDir/nar2
nix-build --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result
mv $cacheDir/nar2 $cacheDir/nar
# Test whether fallback works if a NAR is corrupted. This does require --fallback.
mv $cacheDir/nar $cacheDir/nar2
mkdir $cacheDir/nar
for i in $(cd $cacheDir/nar2 && echo *); do touch $cacheDir/nar/$i; done
(! nix-build --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result)
nix-build --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result --fallback
rm -rf $cacheDir/nar
mv $cacheDir/nar2 $cacheDir/nar
# Test whether building works if the binary cache contains an
# incomplete closure.
rm -v $(grep -l "StorePath:.*dependencies-input-2" $cacheDir/*.narinfo)
nix-build --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result 2>&1 | tee $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "copying path.*input-0" $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "copying path.*input-2" $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "copying path.*top" $TEST_ROOT/log
# Idem, but without cached .narinfo.
nix-build --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs dependencies.nix -o $TEST_ROOT/result 2>&1 | tee $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "don't know how to build" $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "building.*input-1" $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "building.*input-2" $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "copying path.*input-0" $TEST_ROOT/log
grep -q "copying path.*top" $TEST_ROOT/log
# Create a signed binary cache.
nix key generate-secret --key-name test.nixos.org-1 > $TEST_ROOT/sk1
publicKey=$(nix key convert-secret-to-public < $TEST_ROOT/sk1)
nix key generate-secret --key-name test.nixos.org-1 > $TEST_ROOT/sk2
badKey=$(nix key convert-secret-to-public < $TEST_ROOT/sk2)
nix key generate-secret --key-name foo.nixos.org-1 > $TEST_ROOT/sk3
otherKey=$(nix key convert-secret-to-public < $TEST_ROOT/sk3)
_NIX_FORCE_HTTP= nix copy --to file://$cacheDir?secret-key=$TEST_ROOT/sk1 $outPath
# Downloading should fail if we don't provide a key.
(! nix-store -r $outPath --substituters "file://$cacheDir")
# And it should fail if we provide an incorrect key.
(! nix-store -r $outPath --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --trusted-public-keys "$badKey")
# It should succeed if we provide the correct key.
nix-store -r $outPath --substituters "file://$cacheDir" --trusted-public-keys "$otherKey $publicKey"
# It should fail if we corrupt the .narinfo.
rm -rf $cacheDir2
cp -r $cacheDir $cacheDir2
for i in $cacheDir2/*.narinfo; do
grep -v References $i > $i.tmp
mv $i.tmp $i
(! nix-store -r $outPath --substituters "file://$cacheDir2" --trusted-public-keys "$publicKey")
# If we provide a bad and a good binary cache, it should succeed.
nix-store -r $outPath --substituters "file://$cacheDir2 file://$cacheDir" --trusted-public-keys "$publicKey"
# Test 'nix verify --all' on a binary cache.
nix store verify -vvvvv --all --store file://$cacheDir --no-trust
# Test local NAR caching.
rm -rf $narCache
mkdir $narCache
[[ $(nix store cat --store "file://$cacheDir?local-nar-cache=$narCache" $outPath/foobar) = FOOBAR ]]
rm -rfv "$cacheDir/nar"
[[ $(nix store cat --store "file://$cacheDir?local-nar-cache=$narCache" $outPath/foobar) = FOOBAR ]]
(! nix store cat --store file://$cacheDir $outPath/foobar)
# Test NAR listing generation.
outPath=$(nix-build --no-out-link -E '
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
name = "nar-listing";
buildCommand = "mkdir $out; echo foo > $out/bar; ln -s xyzzy $out/link";
nix copy --to file://$cacheDir?write-nar-listing=1 $outPath
diff -u \
<(jq -S < $cacheDir/$(basename $outPath | cut -c1-32).ls) \
<(echo '{"version":1,"root":{"type":"directory","entries":{"bar":{"type":"regular","size":4,"narOffset":232},"link":{"type":"symlink","target":"xyzzy"}}}}' | jq -S)
# Test debug info index generation.
outPath=$(nix-build --no-out-link -E '
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
name = "debug-info";
buildCommand = "mkdir -p $out/lib/debug/.build-id/02; echo foo > $out/lib/debug/.build-id/02/623eda209c26a59b1a8638ff7752f6b945c26b.debug";
nix copy --to "file://$cacheDir?index-debug-info=1&compression=none" $outPath
diff -u \
<(cat $cacheDir/debuginfo/02623eda209c26a59b1a8638ff7752f6b945c26b.debug | jq -S) \
<(echo '{"archive":"../nar/100vxs724qr46phz8m24iswmg9p3785hsyagz0kchf6q6gf06sw6.nar","member":"lib/debug/.build-id/02/623eda209c26a59b1a8638ff7752f6b945c26b.debug"}' | jq -S)
# Test against issue https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3964
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
name = "multi-output";
buildCommand = "mkdir -p $out; echo foo > $doc; echo $doc > $out/docref";
outputs = ["out" "doc"];
outPath=$(nix-build --no-out-link -E "$expr")
docPath=$(nix-store -q --references $outPath)
# $ nix-store -q --tree $outPath
# ...-multi-output
# +---...-multi-output-doc
nix copy --to "file://$cacheDir" $outPath
hashpart() {
basename "$1" | cut -c1-32
# break the closure of out by removing doc
rm $cacheDir/$(hashpart $docPath).narinfo
nix-store --delete $outPath $docPath
# -vvv is the level that logs during the loop
timeout 60 nix-build --no-out-link -E "$expr" --option substituters "file://$cacheDir" \
--option trusted-binary-caches "file://$cacheDir" --no-require-sigs