John Ericson 6bc98c7fba Give queryPartialDerivationOutputMap an evalStore parameter
This makes it more useful. In general, the derivation will be in one
store, and the realisation info is in another.

This also helps us avoid duplication. See how `resolveDerivedPath` is
now simpler because it uses `queryPartialDerivationOutputMap`. In #8369
we get more flavors of derived path, and need more code to resolve them
all, and this problem only gets worse.

The fact that we need a new method to deal with the multiple dispatch is
unfortunate, but this generally relates to the fact that `Store` is a
sub-par interface, too bulky/unwieldy and conflating separate concerns.
Solving that is out of scope of this PR.

This is part of the RFC 92 work. See tracking issue #6316
2023-07-20 15:59:52 -04:00

346 lines
12 KiB

#include "derivations.hh"
#include "parsed-derivations.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "local-store.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "thread-pool.hh"
#include "topo-sort.hh"
#include "callback.hh"
#include "closure.hh"
#include "filetransfer.hh"
namespace nix {
void Store::computeFSClosure(const StorePathSet & startPaths,
StorePathSet & paths_, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs, bool includeDerivers)
std::function<std::set<StorePath>(const StorePath & path, std::future<ref<const ValidPathInfo>> &)> queryDeps;
if (flipDirection)
queryDeps = [&](const StorePath& path,
std::future<ref<const ValidPathInfo>> & fut) {
StorePathSet res;
StorePathSet referrers;
queryReferrers(path, referrers);
for (auto& ref : referrers)
if (ref != path)
if (includeOutputs)
for (auto& i : queryValidDerivers(path))
if (includeDerivers && path.isDerivation())
for (auto& [_, maybeOutPath] : queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(path))
if (maybeOutPath && isValidPath(*maybeOutPath))
return res;
queryDeps = [&](const StorePath& path,
std::future<ref<const ValidPathInfo>> & fut) {
StorePathSet res;
auto info = fut.get();
for (auto& ref : info->references)
if (ref != path)
if (includeOutputs && path.isDerivation())
for (auto& [_, maybeOutPath] : queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(path))
if (maybeOutPath && isValidPath(*maybeOutPath))
if (includeDerivers && info->deriver && isValidPath(*info->deriver))
return res;
startPaths, paths_,
[&](const StorePath& path,
processEdges) {
std::promise<std::set<StorePath>> promise;
std::function<void(std::future<ref<const ValidPathInfo>>)>
getDependencies =
[&](std::future<ref<const ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
try {
promise.set_value(queryDeps(path, fut));
} catch (...) {
queryPathInfo(path, getDependencies);
void Store::computeFSClosure(const StorePath & startPath,
StorePathSet & paths_, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs, bool includeDerivers)
StorePathSet paths;
computeFSClosure(paths, paths_, flipDirection, includeOutputs, includeDerivers);
const ContentAddress * getDerivationCA(const BasicDerivation & drv)
auto out = drv.outputs.find("out");
if (out == drv.outputs.end())
return nullptr;
if (auto dof = std::get_if<DerivationOutput::CAFixed>(&out->second)) {
return &dof->ca;
return nullptr;
void Store::queryMissing(const std::vector<DerivedPath> & targets,
StorePathSet & willBuild_, StorePathSet & willSubstitute_, StorePathSet & unknown_,
uint64_t & downloadSize_, uint64_t & narSize_)
Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, actUnknown, "querying info about missing paths");
downloadSize_ = narSize_ = 0;
// FIXME: make async.
ThreadPool pool(fileTransferSettings.httpConnections);
struct State
std::unordered_set<std::string> done;
StorePathSet & unknown, & willSubstitute, & willBuild;
uint64_t & downloadSize;
uint64_t & narSize;
struct DrvState
size_t left;
bool done = false;
StorePathSet outPaths;
DrvState(size_t left) : left(left) { }
Sync<State> state_(State{{}, unknown_, willSubstitute_, willBuild_, downloadSize_, narSize_});
std::function<void(DerivedPath)> doPath;
auto mustBuildDrv = [&](const StorePath & drvPath, const Derivation & drv) {
auto state(state_.lock());
for (auto & i : drv.inputDrvs)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, DerivedPath::Built { i.first, i.second }));
auto checkOutput = [&](
const StorePath & drvPath, ref<Derivation> drv, const StorePath & outPath, ref<Sync<DrvState>> drvState_)
if (drvState_->lock()->done) return;
SubstitutablePathInfos infos;
auto * cap = getDerivationCA(*drv);
cap ? std::optional { *cap } : std::nullopt,
}, infos);
if (infos.empty()) {
drvState_->lock()->done = true;
mustBuildDrv(drvPath, *drv);
} else {
auto drvState(drvState_->lock());
if (drvState->done) return;
if (!drvState->left) {
for (auto & path : drvState->outPaths)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, DerivedPath::Opaque { path } ));
doPath = [&](const DerivedPath & req) {
auto state(state_.lock());
if (!state->done.insert(req.to_string(*this)).second) return;
std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const DerivedPath::Built & bfd) {
if (!isValidPath(bfd.drvPath)) {
// FIXME: we could try to substitute the derivation.
auto state(state_.lock());
StorePathSet invalid;
/* true for regular derivations, and CA derivations for which we
have a trust mapping for all wanted outputs. */
auto knownOutputPaths = true;
for (auto & [outputName, pathOpt] : queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(bfd.drvPath)) {
if (!pathOpt) {
knownOutputPaths = false;
if (bfd.outputs.contains(outputName) && !isValidPath(*pathOpt))
if (knownOutputPaths && invalid.empty()) return;
auto drv = make_ref<Derivation>(derivationFromPath(bfd.drvPath));
ParsedDerivation parsedDrv(StorePath(bfd.drvPath), *drv);
if (knownOutputPaths && settings.useSubstitutes && parsedDrv.substitutesAllowed()) {
auto drvState = make_ref<Sync<DrvState>>(DrvState(invalid.size()));
for (auto & output : invalid)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(checkOutput, bfd.drvPath, drv, output, drvState));
} else
mustBuildDrv(bfd.drvPath, *drv);
[&](const DerivedPath::Opaque & bo) {
if (isValidPath(bo.path)) return;
SubstitutablePathInfos infos;
querySubstitutablePathInfos({{bo.path, std::nullopt}}, infos);
if (infos.empty()) {
auto state(state_.lock());
auto info = infos.find(bo.path);
assert(info != infos.end());
auto state(state_.lock());
state->downloadSize += info->second.downloadSize;
state->narSize += info->second.narSize;
for (auto & ref : info->second.references)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, DerivedPath::Opaque { ref }));
}, req.raw());
for (auto & path : targets)
pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, path));
StorePaths Store::topoSortPaths(const StorePathSet & paths)
return topoSort(paths,
{[&](const StorePath & path) {
try {
return queryPathInfo(path)->references;
} catch (InvalidPath &) {
return StorePathSet();
{[&](const StorePath & path, const StorePath & parent) {
return BuildError(
"cycle detected in the references of '%s' from '%s'",
std::map<DrvOutput, StorePath> drvOutputReferences(
const std::set<Realisation> & inputRealisations,
const StorePathSet & pathReferences)
std::map<DrvOutput, StorePath> res;
for (const auto & input : inputRealisations) {
if (pathReferences.count(input.outPath)) {
res.insert({, input.outPath});
return res;
std::map<DrvOutput, StorePath> drvOutputReferences(
Store & store,
const Derivation & drv,
const StorePath & outputPath)
std::set<Realisation> inputRealisations;
for (const auto & [inputDrv, outputNames] : drv.inputDrvs) {
const auto outputHashes =
staticOutputHashes(store, store.readDerivation(inputDrv));
for (const auto & outputName : outputNames) {
auto outputHash = get(outputHashes, outputName);
if (!outputHash)
throw Error(
"output '%s' of derivation '%s' isn't realised", outputName,
auto thisRealisation = store.queryRealisation(
DrvOutput{*outputHash, outputName});
if (!thisRealisation)
throw Error(
"output '%s' of derivation '%s' isn't built", outputName,
auto info = store.queryPathInfo(outputPath);
return drvOutputReferences(Realisation::closure(store, inputRealisations), info->references);
OutputPathMap resolveDerivedPath(Store & store, const DerivedPath::Built & bfd, Store * evalStore_)
auto outputsOpt_ = store.queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(bfd.drvPath, evalStore_);
auto outputsOpt = std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const OutputsSpec::All &) {
// Keep all outputs
return std::move(outputsOpt_);
[&](const OutputsSpec::Names & names) {
// Get just those mentioned by name
std::map<std::string, std::optional<StorePath>> outputsOpt;
for (auto & output : names) {
auto * pOutputPathOpt = get(outputsOpt_, output);
if (!pOutputPathOpt)
throw Error(
"the derivation '%s' doesn't have an output named '%s'",
store.printStorePath(bfd.drvPath), output);
outputsOpt.insert_or_assign(output, std::move(*pOutputPathOpt));
return outputsOpt;
}, bfd.outputs.raw());
OutputPathMap outputs;
for (auto & [outputName, outputPathOpt] : outputsOpt) {
if (!outputPathOpt)
throw MissingRealisation(store.printStorePath(bfd.drvPath), outputName);
auto & outputPath = *outputPathOpt;
outputs.insert_or_assign(outputName, outputPath);
return outputs;