2024-08-14 02:59:33 +02:00
{ cluster, ... }:
clusterName = "poseidon";
link = cluster.config.links.patroni-pg-access;
defaults = { depot, pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = [
services.patroni.settings.postgresql.pg_hba = [
"host postgres postgres trust"
# taken from https://github.com/phfroidmont/nixpkgs/blob/patroni-module/nixos/tests/patroni.nix
testScript = ''
import json
nodeNames = json.loads('${builtins.toJSON cluster.config.services.patroni.nodes.worker}')
clientNames = json.loads('${builtins.toJSON cluster.config.services.patroni.nodes.haproxy}')
nodes = [ n for n in machines if n.name in nodeNames ]
clients = [ n for n in machines if n.name in clientNames ]
def booted(nodes):
return filter(lambda node: node.booted, nodes)
def wait_for_all_nodes_ready(expected_replicas=2):
booted_nodes = booted(nodes)
for node in booted_nodes:
print(node.succeed("patronictl list ${clusterName}"))
node.wait_until_succeeds(f"[ $(patronictl list -f json ${clusterName} | jq 'length') == {expected_replicas + 1} ]")
node.wait_until_succeeds("[ $(patronictl list -f json ${clusterName} | jq 'map(select(.Role | test(\"^Leader$\"))) | map(select(.State | test(\"^running$\"))) | length') == 1 ]")
node.wait_until_succeeds(f"[ $(patronictl list -f json ${clusterName} | jq 'map(select(.Role | test(\"^Replica$\"))) | map(select(.State | test(\"^streaming$\"))) | length') == {expected_replicas} ]")
print(node.succeed("patronictl list ${clusterName}"))
for client in booted(clients):
client.wait_until_succeeds("psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --command='select 1;'")
def run_dummy_queries():
for client in booted(clients):
client.succeed("psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --pset='pager=off' --tuples-only --command='insert into dummy(val) values (101);'")
client.succeed("test $(psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --pset='pager=off' --tuples-only --command='select val from dummy where val = 101;') -eq 101")
client.succeed("psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --pset='pager=off' --tuples-only --command='delete from dummy where val = 101;'")
with subtest("should bootstrap a new patroni cluster"):
with subtest("should be able to insert and select"):
booted_clients = list(booted(clients))
booted_clients[0].succeed("psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --command='create table dummy as select * from generate_series(1, 100) as val;'")
for client in booted_clients:
client.succeed("test $(psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --pset='pager=off' --tuples-only --command='select count(distinct val) from dummy;') -eq 100")
with subtest("should restart after all nodes are crashed"):
for node in nodes:
for node in nodes:
with subtest("should be able to run queries while any one node is crashed"):
masterNodeName = nodes[0].succeed("patronictl list -f json ${clusterName} | jq '.[] | select(.Role | test(\"^Leader$\")) | .Member' -r").strip()
masterNodeIndex = next((i for i, v in enumerate(nodes) if v.name == masterNodeName))
# Move master node at the end of the list to avoid multiple failovers (makes the test faster and more consistent)
for node in nodes:
# Execute some queries while a node is down.
# Restart crashed node.
# Execute some queries with the node back up.
with subtest("should create databases and users via incandescence"):
for client in clients:
client.succeed(f"PGPASSFILE=/run/locksmith/patroni-testuser psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U testuser -d testdb --command='create table test_table_{client.name} as select * from generate_series(1, 10) as val;'")
client.fail("PGPASSFILE=/run/locksmith/patroni-testuser psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U testuser -d postgres --command='select * from dummy;'")
2024-08-15 01:07:07 +02:00
with subtest("should take over existing databases and users via incandescence"):
for cmd in [
"drop database existingdb;",
"drop user existinguser;",
"create database existingdb owner postgres;",
"create user existinguser;"
clients[0].succeed(f"psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --command='{cmd}'")
for client in clients:
client.fail(f"PGPASSFILE=/run/locksmith/patroni-existinguser psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U existinguser -d existingdb --command='create table test_table_{client.name} as select * from generate_series(1, 10) as val;'")
consulConfig = json.loads(clients[0].succeed("cat /etc/consul.json"))
addr = consulConfig["addresses"]["http"]
port = consulConfig["ports"]["http"]
setEnv = f"CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR={addr}:{port}"
clients[0].succeed(f"{setEnv} consul kv delete --recurse services/incandescence/providers/patroni/formulae/database/existingdb")
clients[0].succeed(f"{setEnv} consul kv delete --recurse services/incandescence/providers/patroni/formulae/user/existinguser")
for node in nodes:
node.systemctl("restart incandescence-patroni.target")
clients[0].succeed("[[ $(psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U postgres --tuples-only --csv --command=\"SELECT pg_roles.rolname FROM pg_database JOIN pg_roles ON pg_database.datdba = pg_roles.oid WHERE pg_database.datname = 'existingdb'\") == existinguser ]]")
for client in clients:
client.succeed(f"PGPASSFILE=/run/locksmith/patroni-existinguser psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U existinguser -d existingdb --command='create table test_table_{client.name} as select * from generate_series(1, 10) as val;'")
client.fail("PGPASSFILE=/run/locksmith/patroni-existinguser psql -h ${link.ipv4} -p ${link.portStr} -U existinguser -d postgres --command='select * from dummy;'")
2024-08-14 02:59:33 +02:00