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2022-10-19 22:23:11 +02:00
// Package client provides a Go Client for the IPFS Cluster API provided
// by the "api/rest" component. It supports both the HTTP(s) endpoint and
// the libp2p-http endpoint.
package client
import (
shell ""
files ""
logging ""
host ""
peer ""
pnet ""
2022-10-19 22:23:11 +02:00
ma ""
madns ""
manet ""
// Configuration defaults
var (
DefaultTimeout = 0
DefaultAPIAddr = "/ip4/"
DefaultLogLevel = "info"
DefaultProxyPort = 9095
ResolveTimeout = 30 * time.Second
DefaultPort = 9094
var loggingFacility = "apiclient"
var logger = logging.Logger(loggingFacility)
// Client interface defines the interface to be used by API clients to
// interact with the ipfs-cluster-service. All methods take a
// context.Context as their first parameter, this allows for
// timing out and canceling of requests as well as recording
// metrics and tracing of requests through the API.
type Client interface {
// ID returns information about the cluster Peer.
ID(context.Context) (api.ID, error)
// Peers requests ID information for all cluster peers.
Peers(context.Context, chan<- api.ID) error
// PeerAdd adds a new peer to the cluster.
PeerAdd(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) (api.ID, error)
// PeerRm removes a current peer from the cluster
PeerRm(ctx context.Context, pid peer.ID) error
// Add imports files to the cluster from the given paths.
Add(ctx context.Context, paths []string, params api.AddParams, out chan<- api.AddedOutput) error
// AddMultiFile imports new files from a MultiFileReader.
AddMultiFile(ctx context.Context, multiFileR *files.MultiFileReader, params api.AddParams, out chan<- api.AddedOutput) error
// Pin tracks a Cid with the given replication factor and a name for
// human-friendliness.
Pin(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error)
// Unpin untracks a Cid from cluster.
Unpin(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid) (api.Pin, error)
// PinPath resolves given path into a cid and performs the pin operation.
PinPath(ctx context.Context, path string, opts api.PinOptions) (api.Pin, error)
// UnpinPath resolves given path into a cid and performs the unpin operation.
// It returns api.Pin of the given cid before it is unpinned.
UnpinPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (api.Pin, error)
// Allocations returns the consensus state listing all tracked items
// and the peers that should be pinning them.
Allocations(ctx context.Context, filter api.PinType, out chan<- api.Pin) error
// Allocation returns the current allocations for a given Cid.
Allocation(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid) (api.Pin, error)
// Status returns the current ipfs state for a given Cid. If local is true,
// the information affects only the current peer, otherwise the information
// is fetched from all cluster peers.
Status(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error)
// StatusCids status information for the requested CIDs.
StatusCids(ctx context.Context, cids []api.Cid, local bool, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error
// StatusAll gathers Status() for all tracked items.
StatusAll(ctx context.Context, filter api.TrackerStatus, local bool, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error
// Recover retriggers pin or unpin ipfs operations for a Cid in error
// state. If local is true, the operation is limited to the current
// peer, otherwise it happens on every cluster peer.
Recover(ctx context.Context, ci api.Cid, local bool) (api.GlobalPinInfo, error)
// RecoverAll triggers Recover() operations on all tracked items. If
// local is true, the operation is limited to the current peer.
// Otherwise, it happens everywhere.
RecoverAll(ctx context.Context, local bool, out chan<- api.GlobalPinInfo) error
// Alerts returns information health events in the cluster (expired
// metrics etc.).
Alerts(ctx context.Context) ([]api.Alert, error)
// Version returns the ipfs-cluster peer's version.
Version(context.Context) (api.Version, error)
// IPFS returns an instance of go-ipfs-api's Shell, pointing to a
// Cluster's IPFS proxy endpoint.
IPFS(context.Context) *shell.Shell
// GetConnectGraph returns an ipfs-cluster connection graph.
GetConnectGraph(context.Context) (api.ConnectGraph, error)
// Metrics returns a map with the latest metrics of matching name
// for the current cluster peers.
Metrics(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]api.Metric, error)
// MetricNames returns the list of metric types.
MetricNames(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
// RepoGC runs garbage collection on IPFS daemons of cluster peers and
// returns collected CIDs. If local is true, it would garbage collect
// only on contacted peer, otherwise on all peers' IPFS daemons.
RepoGC(ctx context.Context, local bool) (api.GlobalRepoGC, error)
// Config allows to configure the parameters to connect
// to the ipfs-cluster REST API.
type Config struct {
// Enable SSL support. Only valid without APIAddr.
SSL bool
// Skip certificate verification (insecure)
NoVerifyCert bool
// Username and password for basic authentication
Username string
Password string
// The ipfs-cluster REST API endpoint in multiaddress form
// (takes precedence over host:port). It this address contains
// an /ipfs/, /p2p/ or /dnsaddr, the API will be contacted
// through a libp2p tunnel, thus getting encryption for
// free. Using the libp2p tunnel will ignore any configurations.
APIAddr ma.Multiaddr
// REST API endpoint host and port. Only valid without
// APIAddr.
Host string
Port string
// If APIAddr is provided, and the peer uses private networks (pnet),
// then we need to provide the key. If the peer is the cluster peer,
// this corresponds to the cluster secret.
ProtectorKey pnet.PSK
// ProxyAddr is used to obtain a go-ipfs-api Shell instance pointing
// to the ipfs proxy endpoint of ipfs-cluster. If empty, the location
// will be guessed from one of APIAddr/Host,
// and the port used will be ipfs-cluster's proxy default port (9095)
ProxyAddr ma.Multiaddr
// Define timeout for network operations
Timeout time.Duration
// Specifies if we attempt to re-use connections to the same
// hosts.
DisableKeepAlives bool
// LogLevel defines the verbosity of the logging facility
LogLevel string
// AsTemplateFor creates client configs from resolved multiaddresses
func (c *Config) AsTemplateFor(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) []*Config {
var cfgs []*Config
for _, addr := range addrs {
cfg := *c
cfg.APIAddr = addr
cfgs = append(cfgs, &cfg)
return cfgs
// AsTemplateForResolvedAddress creates client configs from a multiaddress
func (c *Config) AsTemplateForResolvedAddress(ctx context.Context, addr ma.Multiaddr) ([]*Config, error) {
resolvedAddrs, err := resolveAddr(ctx, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.AsTemplateFor(resolvedAddrs), nil
// DefaultClient provides methods to interact with the ipfs-cluster API. Use
// NewDefaultClient() to create one.
type defaultClient struct {
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
config *Config
transport *http.Transport
net string
hostname string
client *http.Client
p2p host.Host
// NewDefaultClient initializes a client given a Config.
func NewDefaultClient(cfg *Config) (Client, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
client := &defaultClient{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
config: cfg,
if client.config.Port == "" {
client.config.Port = fmt.Sprintf("%d", DefaultPort)
err := client.setupAPIAddr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = client.resolveAPIAddr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = client.setupHTTPClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = client.setupHostname()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = client.setupProxy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if lvl := cfg.LogLevel; lvl != "" {
logging.SetLogLevel(loggingFacility, lvl)
} else {
logging.SetLogLevel(loggingFacility, DefaultLogLevel)
return client, nil
func (c *defaultClient) setupAPIAddr() error {
if c.config.APIAddr != nil {
return nil // already setup by user
var addr ma.Multiaddr
var err error
if c.config.Host == "" { //default
addr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(DefaultAPIAddr)
c.config.APIAddr = addr
return err
var addrStr string
ip := net.ParseIP(c.config.Host)
switch {
case ip == nil:
addrStr = fmt.Sprintf("/dns4/%s/tcp/%s", c.config.Host, c.config.Port)
case ip.To4() != nil:
addrStr = fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%s", c.config.Host, c.config.Port)
addrStr = fmt.Sprintf("/ip6/%s/tcp/%s", c.config.Host, c.config.Port)
addr, err = ma.NewMultiaddr(addrStr)
c.config.APIAddr = addr
return err
func (c *defaultClient) resolveAPIAddr() error {
// Only resolve libp2p addresses. For HTTP addresses, we let
// the default client handle any resolving. We extract the hostname
// in setupHostname()
if !IsPeerAddress(c.config.APIAddr) {
return nil
resolved, err := resolveAddr(c.ctx, c.config.APIAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
c.config.APIAddr = resolved[0]
return nil
func (c *defaultClient) setupHTTPClient() error {
var err error
switch {
case IsPeerAddress(c.config.APIAddr):
err = c.enableLibp2p()
case isUnixSocketAddress(c.config.APIAddr):
err = c.enableUnix()
case c.config.SSL:
err = c.enableTLS()
if err != nil {
return err
c.client = &http.Client{
Transport: &ochttp.Transport{
Base: c.transport,
Propagation: &tracecontext.HTTPFormat{},
StartOptions: trace.StartOptions{SpanKind: trace.SpanKindClient},
FormatSpanName: func(req *http.Request) string { return req.Host + ":" + req.URL.Path + ":" + req.Method },
NewClientTrace: ochttp.NewSpanAnnotatingClientTrace,
Timeout: c.config.Timeout,
return nil
func (c *defaultClient) setupHostname() error {
// Extract host:port form APIAddr or use Host:Port.
// For libp2p, hostname is set in enableLibp2p()
// For unix sockets, hostname set in enableUnix()
if IsPeerAddress(c.config.APIAddr) || isUnixSocketAddress(c.config.APIAddr) {
return nil
_, hostname, err := manet.DialArgs(c.config.APIAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
c.hostname = hostname
return nil
func (c *defaultClient) setupProxy() error {
if c.config.ProxyAddr != nil {
return nil
// Guess location from APIAddr
port, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/tcp/%d", DefaultProxyPort))
if err != nil {
return err
c.config.ProxyAddr = ma.Split(c.config.APIAddr)[0].Encapsulate(port)
return nil
// IPFS returns an instance of go-ipfs-api's Shell, pointing to the
// configured ProxyAddr (or to the default Cluster's IPFS proxy port).
// It re-uses this Client's HTTP client, thus will be constrained by
// the same configurations affecting it (timeouts...).
func (c *defaultClient) IPFS(ctx context.Context) *shell.Shell {
return shell.NewShellWithClient(c.config.ProxyAddr.String(), c.client)
// IsPeerAddress detects if the given multiaddress identifies a libp2p peer,
// either because it has the /p2p/ protocol or because it uses /dnsaddr/
func IsPeerAddress(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
if addr == nil {
return false
pid, err := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_P2P)
dnsaddr, err2 := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_DNSADDR)
return (pid != "" && err == nil) || (dnsaddr != "" && err2 == nil)
// isUnixSocketAddress returns if the given address corresponds to a
// unix socket.
func isUnixSocketAddress(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
if addr == nil {
return false
value, err := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_UNIX)
return (value != "" && err == nil)
// resolve addr
func resolveAddr(ctx context.Context, addr ma.Multiaddr) ([]ma.Multiaddr, error) {
resolveCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, ResolveTimeout)
defer cancel()
resolved, err := madns.Resolve(resolveCtx, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(resolved) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolving %s returned 0 results", addr)
return resolved, nil