{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let consulReady = pkgs.writers.writeHaskellBin "consul-ready" { libraries = with pkgs.haskellPackages; [ aeson http-conduit watchdog ]; } '' {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Watchdog import Control.Exception import System.IO import Network.HTTP.Simple import Data.Aeson flushLogger :: WatchdogLogger String flushLogger taskErr delay = do defaultLogger taskErr delay hFlush stdout data ConsulHealth = ConsulHealth { healthy :: Bool } instance FromJSON ConsulHealth where parseJSON (Object v) = ConsulHealth <$> (v .: "Healthy") handleException ex = case ex of (SomeException _) -> return $ Left "Consul is not active" main :: IO () main = watchdog $ do setInitialDelay 300_000 setMaximumDelay 30_000_000 setLoggingAction flushLogger watch $ handle handleException $ do res <- httpJSON "${config.links.consulAgent.url}/v1/operator/autopilot/health" case getResponseBody res of ConsulHealth True -> return $ Right () ConsulHealth False -> return $ Left "Consul is unhealthy" ''; in { systemd.services.consul-ready = { description = "Wait for Consul"; requires = lib.mkIf config.services.consul.enable [ "consul.service" ]; after = lib.mkIf config.services.consul.enable [ "consul.service" ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = lib.getExe consulReady; DynamicUser = true; TimeoutStartSec = "5m"; Type = "oneshot"; StartLimitBurst = 25; }; }; }