# Copyright (c) 2015 Gökberk Yaltıraklı # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import socket from collections import defaultdict from collections import namedtuple _IRCPacket = namedtuple("IRCPacket", "prefix command arguments") def _parse_irc_packet(packet): prefix = "" command = "" arguments = [] if packet.startswith(":"): prefix = packet[1:].split(" ")[0] packet = packet.split(" ", 1)[1] if " " in packet: if " :" in packet: last_argument = packet.split(" :")[1] packet = packet.split(" :")[0] for splitted in packet.split(" "): if not command: command = splitted else: arguments.append(splitted) arguments.append(last_argument) else: for splitted in packet.split(" "): if not command: command = splitted else: arguments.append(splitted) else: command = packet return _IRCPacket(prefix, command, arguments) _IRCPacket.parse = _parse_irc_packet class EventEmitter: def __init__(self): self.handlers = defaultdict(lambda: []) def add_listener(self, name, handler): self.handlers[name].append(handler) def remove_listener(self, name, handler): self.handlers[name].remove(handler) def emit(self, name, data=None): """Emit an event This function emits an event to all listeners registered to it. Parameters ---------- name : str Event name. Case sensitive. data Event data. Can be any type and passed directly to the event handlers. """ for handler in list(self.handlers[name]): handler(data) def on(self, name): """ Decorate a function as an event handler. Parameters ---------- name : str The event name to handle """ def inner(func): self.add_listener(name, func) return func return inner # Event data types _IRCEvent = namedtuple("IRCEvent", "bot") _PacketEvent = namedtuple("PacketEvent", "bot packet") _MessageEvent = namedtuple("MessageEvent", "bot channel sender message") _JoinEvent = namedtuple("JoinEvent", "bot channel nick") _PartEvent = namedtuple("PartEvent", "bot channel nick") class IRCConnection(EventEmitter): def __init__(self): """Create an IRC connection After creating the object and adding all the event handlers, you need to call .connect on it to actually connect to a server. """ super().__init__() self.socket = None self.nick = "" def run_once(self): """Run one iteration of the IRC client. This function is called in a loop by the run_loop function. It can be called separately, but most of the time there is no need to do this. """ line = next(self.lines) packet = _IRCPacket.parse(line) sender = packet.prefix.split("!")[0] ev = _PacketEvent(self, packet) self.emit("packet", ev) self.emit(f"packet_{packet.command}", ev) if packet.command == "PRIVMSG": channel = packet.arguments[0] message = packet.arguments[1] ev = _MessageEvent(self, channel, sender, message) self.emit("message", ev) self.emit(f"message_{channel}", ev) self.emit(f"message_{sender}", ev) if channel[0] == "#": self.emit("message#", ev) else: self.emit("pm", ev) elif packet.command == "PING": # Handle a PING message self.send_line("PONG :{}".format(packet.arguments[0])) self.emit("ping", _IRCEvent(self)) elif packet.command == "433" or packet.command == "437": # Command 433 is "Nick in use" # Add underscore to the nick self.set_nick("{}_".format(self.nick)) elif packet.command == "001": self.emit("welcome", _IRCEvent(self)) elif packet.command == "JOIN": ev = _JoinEvent(self, packet.arguments[0], sender) self.emit("join", ev) elif packet.command == "PART": ev = _PartEvent(self, packet.arguments[0], sender) self.emit("part", ev) def run_loop(self): """Runs the main loop of the client This function is usually called after you add all the callbacks and connect to the server. It will block until the connection to the server is broken. """ while True: self.run_once() def _read_lines(self): buff = "" while True: buff += self.socket.recv(1024).decode("utf-8", "replace") while "\n" in buff: line, buff = buff.split("\n", 1) line = line.replace("\r", "") yield line def connect(self, server, port=6667, tls=False): """Connects to the IRC server Parameters ---------- server : str The server IP or domain to connect to port : int The server port to connect to tls : bool Enable the use of TLS """ self.socket = socket.create_connection((server, port)) if tls: import ssl context = ssl.SSLContext() self.socket = context.wrap_socket(self.socket, server) self.lines = self._read_lines() self.emit("connect", _IRCEvent(self)) def send_line(self, line): """Sends a line directly to the server. This is a low-level function that can be used to implement functionality that's not covered by this library. Almost all of the time, you should have no need to use this function. Parameters ---------- line : str The line to send to the server """ self.socket.send(f"{line}\r\n".encode("utf-8")) def send_message(self, to, message): """Sends a message to a user or a channel This is the main method of interaction as an IRC bot or client. This function results in a PRIVMSG packet to the server. Parameters ---------- to : str The target of the message message : str The message content """ self.send_line(f"PRIVMSG {to} :{message}") def send_notice(self, to, message): """Send a notice message Notice messages usually have special formatting on clients. Parameters ---------- to : str The target of the message message : str The message content """ self.send_line(f"NOTICE {to} :{message}") def send_action_message(self, to, action): """Send an action message to a channel or user. Action messages can have special formatting on clients and are usually send like /me is happy Parameters ---------- to : str The target of the message. Can be a channel or a user. action : str The message content """ self.send_message(to, f"\x01ACTION {action}\x01") def join_channel(self, channel): """Join a channel This function joins a given channel. After the channel is joined, the "join" event is emitted with your nick. Parameters ---------- channel : str The channel to join """ self.send_line(f"JOIN {channel}") def set_nick(self, nick): """Sets or changes your nick This should be called before joining channels, but can be called at any time afterwards. If the requested nick is not available, the library will keep adding underscores until an available nick is found. Parameters ---------- nick : str The nickname to use """ self.nick = nick self.send_line(f"NICK {nick}") def send_user_packet(self, username): """Send a user packet This should be sent after your nickname. It is displayed on the clients when they view your details and look at "Real Name". Parameters ---------- username : str The name to set """ self.send_line(f"USER {username} 0 * :{username}")