from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import lru_cache from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from os import environ from random import randint from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn from sys import argv from threading import Thread, Lock import base64 import json import queue import re import requests import requests_unixsocket import sqlite3 import time CACHES = [ "", "", "" ] workSet = set() workSetLock = Lock() dbLock = Lock() class Uncached(Exception): pass class ThreadingHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass def db_getcon(): cacheDir = environ["CACHE_DIRECTORY"] con = sqlite3.connect(f"{cacheDir}/nix-ipfs-cache.db") cur = con.cursor() return con, cur def db_close(con): con.close() @lru_cache(maxsize=65536) def db_get_path_cached(narPath): with dbLock: con, cur = db_getcon() for (nar, ipfs) in cur.execute("SELECT nar, ipfs FROM NarToIpfs WHERE nar=:nar", {"nar": narPath}): db_close(con) return ipfs raise Uncached def db_get_path(narPath): try: return db_get_path_cached(narPath) except Uncached: return None def db_set_path(narPath, ipfsPath): with dbLock: con, cur = db_getcon() cur.execute("INSERT INTO NarToIpfs VALUES (:nar, :ipfs)", {"nar": narPath, "ipfs": ipfsPath}) con.commit() db_close(con) @lru_cache(maxsize=32768) def try_all_cached(method, path): fn = requests.get if method == "get" else requests.head if method == "head" else Error("invalid method") bestState = 502 print(f" fetching [{method}] from any cache {path}") for cache in CACHES: try: rCache = fn(f"{cache}{path}") if rCache.status_code < bestState: bestState = rCache.status_code print(f" {rCache.status_code} - [{method}] {cache}{path}") if bestState == 200: r = (bestState,rCache.content if method != "head" else False) if path.endswith(".narinfo"): return r else: raise Uncached(r) except requests.ConnectionError as e: print(e) raise Uncached((bestState,False)) def try_all(method, path): try: return try_all_cached(method, path) except Uncached as r: return r.args[0] def ipfs_fetch_task(nar): print(f"Downloading NAR: {nar}") code, content = try_all("get",nar) if code == 200: upload = {'file': ('FILE',content,'application/octet-stream')} try: rIpfs ='http+unix://%2Frun%2Fipfs%2Fipfs-api.sock/api/v0/add?pin=false&quieter=true', files=upload) hash = rIpfs.json()["Hash"] print(f"Mapped: {nar} -> /ipfs/{hash}") db_set_path(nar, hash) return (nar, 200, hash) except requests.ConnectionError as e: print(e) return (nar, 502, False) else: return (nar, code, False) class ServiceHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): _executor_nar_pre = ThreadPoolExecutor(4) _executor_nar_main = ThreadPoolExecutor(8) #_executor_narinfo = ThreadPoolExecutor(16) # for narinfo uploads - TODO def do_HEAD(self): if self.path.endswith(".narinfo"): print(f"NAR info request: {self.path}") code, content = try_all("head",self.path) self.send_response(code) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): if self.path.startswith("/nix-cache-info"): self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b"StoreDir: /nix/store\n") return elif self.path.startswith("/nar/"): resultHash = db_get_path(self.path) if resultHash == None: with workSetLock: found = False for (itemNar, itemFuture) in workSet: if itemNar == self.path: f = itemFuture print(f"IPFS fetch task for {self.path} already being processed") found = True break if not found: print(f"Creating new IPFS fetch task for {self.path}") f = self._executor_nar_main.submit(ipfs_fetch_task, self.path) workSet.add((self.path, f)) resultNar, code, resultHash = f.result() with workSetLock: try: workSet.remove((self.path, f)) except KeyError: # already removed pass else: code = 200 if code != 200: self.send_response(code) self.end_headers() return self.send_response(302) # not used for auth, but for defining a redirect target auth = self.headers.get('Authorization') if auth != None: try: decoded1 = base64.b64decode(auth.removeprefix("Basic ")).removesuffix(b":") if decoded1.isdigit(): redirect = f"{decoded1.decode('utf-8')}" else: decoded2 = base64.b32decode(decoded1.upper() + b"=" * (-len(decoded1) % 8)) redirect = decoded2.decode("utf-8") except Exception: redirect = "" else: redirect = "" self.send_header('Location', f'{redirect}/ipfs/{resultHash}') self.send_header('X-Ipfs-Path', f'/ipfs/{resultHash}') self.end_headers() return elif self.path.endswith(".narinfo"): print(f"NAR info request: {self.path}") code, content = try_all("get",self.path) self.send_response(code) self.end_headers() if code == 200: self.wfile.write(content) if match :='URL: (nar/[a-z0-9]*\.nar.*)', content.decode("utf-8")): nar = f"/{}" if db_get_path(nar) == None: with workSetLock: found = False for (itemNar, itemFuture) in workSet: if itemNar == nar: found = True break if not found: print(f"Pre-flight: creating IPFS fetch task for {nar}") f = self._executor_nar_pre.submit(ipfs_fetch_task, nar) workSet.add((nar, f)) return else: code = 404 if code > 299: self.send_response(code) self.end_headers() return con, cur = db_getcon() cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS NarToIpfs (nar text primary key, ipfs text)") con.commit() db_close(con) server = ThreadingHTTPServer(('',int(argv[1])), ServiceHandler) server.serve_forever()