{ cluster, config, lib, pkgs, tools, ... }: let inherit (tools.meta) domain; patroni = cluster.config.links.patroni-pg-access; listener = { port = 8008; bind_addresses = lib.singleton ""; type = "http"; tls = false; x_forwarded = true; resources = lib.singleton { names = [ "client" "federation" ]; compress = false; }; }; clientConfig = { "m.homeserver".base_url = "https://matrix.${domain}:443"; "m.integrations".managers = [{ api_url = "https://dimension.t2bot.io/api/v1/scalar"; ui_url = "https://dimension.t2bot.io/riot"; }]; } // lib.optionalAttrs config.services.jitsi-meet.enable { "im.vector.riot.jitsi".preferredDomain = config.services.jitsi-meet.hostName; }; logConfig = { version = 1; formatters.structured.class = "synapse.logging.TerseJsonFormatter"; handlers.journal = { class = "systemd.journal.JournalHandler"; formatter = "structured"; SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER = "synapse"; }; loggers.synapse = { level = "WARNING"; handlers = [ "journal" ]; }; }; dbConfig.database = { name = "psycopg2"; args = { user = "matrix"; database = "matrix"; host = patroni.ipv4; inherit (patroni) port; cp_min = 1; cp_max = 10; }; }; clientConfigJSON = pkgs.writeText "matrix-client-config.json" (builtins.toJSON clientConfig); logConfigJSON = pkgs.writeText "matrix-log-config.json" (builtins.toJSON logConfig); dbConfigJSON = pkgs.writeText "matrix-log-config.json" (builtins.toJSON dbConfig); dbPasswordFile = config.age.secrets.synapse-db.path; dbConfigOut = "${cfg.dataDir}/synapse-db-config-generated.yml"; cfg = config.services.matrix-synapse; in { age.secrets = { synapse-ldap = { file = ../../../secrets/synapse-ldap.age; owner = "matrix-synapse"; group = "matrix-synapse"; mode = "0400"; }; synapse-db = { file = ../../../secrets/synapse-db.age; owner = "matrix-synapse"; group = "matrix-synapse"; mode = "0400"; }; synapse-turn = { file = ../../../secrets/synapse-turn.age; owner = "matrix-synapse"; group = "matrix-synapse"; mode = "0400"; }; synapse-keys = { file = ../../../secrets/synapse-keys.age; owner = "matrix-synapse"; group = "matrix-synapse"; mode = "0400"; }; }; services.matrix-synapse = { enable = true; plugins = [ pkgs.matrix-synapse-plugins.matrix-synapse-ldap3 ]; dataDir = "/srv/storage/private/matrix"; settings = { server_name = domain; listeners = lib.singleton listener; url_preview_enabled = true; experimental_features.spaces_enabled = true; admin_contact = "mailto:admins@${domain}"; max_upload_size = "32M"; max_spider_size = "10M"; emable_registration = true; allow_guest_access = true; push.include_content = true; group_creation_prefix = "unofficial/"; log_config = logConfigJSON; # HACK: upstream has a weird assertion that doesn't work with our HAProxy setup # this host gets overridden by dbConfigOut database = lib.recursiveUpdate dbConfig.database { args.host = "_patroni.local"; }; app_service_config_files = [ "/etc/synapse/discord-registration.yaml" ]; turn_uris = let combinations = lib.cartesianProductOfSets { proto = [ "udp" "tcp" ]; scheme = [ "turns" "turn" ]; }; makeTurnServer = x: "${x.scheme}:turn.${domain}?transport=${x.proto}"; in map makeTurnServer combinations; }; extraConfigFiles = (map (x: config.age.secrets.${x}.path) [ "synapse-ldap" "synapse-turn" "synapse-keys" ]) ++ [ dbConfigOut ]; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts = tools.nginx.mappers.mapSubdomains { matrix = tools.nginx.vhosts.basic // { locations."/".return = "204"; locations."/_matrix" = { proxyPass = ""; extraConfig = '' client_max_body_size ${cfg.settings.max_upload_size}; access_log off; ''; }; locations."= /.well-known/matrix/client" = { alias = clientConfigJSON; extraConfig = '' add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"; ''; }; }; }; systemd.services = lib.mkMerge [ (lib.genAttrs [ "coturn" "matrix-appservice-discord" "matrix-synapse" ] (_: { serviceConfig = { Slice = "communications.slice"; }; })) { matrix-synapse.preStart = '' ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -c --slurp '.[0] * .[1]' ${dbConfigJSON} '${dbPasswordFile}' | install -Dm400 /dev/stdin '${dbConfigOut}' ''; } ]; }