{ cluster, lib, ... }: let inherit (cluster.config.services.storage) nodes; firstGarageNode = lib.elemAt nodes.garage 0; in { nodes = lib.genAttrs nodes.garage (node: { services.garage = { layout.initial = lib.genAttrs nodes.garage (_: { capacity = lib.mkOverride 51 1000; }); }; specialisation.modifiedLayout = { inheritParentConfig = true; configuration = { services.garage = { layout.initial.${firstGarageNode}.capacity = lib.mkForce 2000; keys.testKey.allow.createBucket = true; buckets = { bucket1 = { allow.testKey = [ "read" "write" ]; quotas = { maxObjects = 300; maxSize = 400 * 1024 * 1024; }; }; bucket2 = { allow.testKey = [ "read" ]; }; }; }; system.ascensions.garage-layout.incantations = lib.mkForce (i: [ (i.runGarage '' garage layout assign -z eu-central -c 2000 "$(garage node id -q | cut -d@ -f1)" garage layout apply --version 2 '') ]); }; }; }); testScript = '' import json nodes = [n for n in machines if n.name in json.loads('${builtins.toJSON nodes.garage}')] garage1 = nodes[0] start_all() with subtest("should bootstrap new cluster"): for node in nodes: node.wait_for_unit("garage.service") for node in nodes: node.wait_until_fails("garage status | grep 'NO ROLE ASSIGNED'") with subtest("should apply new layout with ascension"): for node in nodes: node.wait_until_succeeds('test "$(systemctl list-jobs | wc -l)" -eq 1') for node in nodes: node.succeed("/run/current-system/specialisation/modifiedLayout/bin/switch-to-configuration test") for node in nodes: node.wait_until_succeeds("garage layout show | grep -w 2000") assert "1" in node.succeed("garage layout show | grep -w 2000 | wc -l") assert "2" in node.succeed("garage layout show | grep -w 1000 | wc -l") with subtest("should apply new layout from scratch"): for node in nodes: node.systemctl("stop garage.service") node.succeed("rm -rf /var/lib/garage-metadata") for node in nodes: node.systemctl("start garage.service") for node in nodes: node.wait_for_unit("garage.service") for node in nodes: node.wait_until_fails("garage status | grep 'NO ROLE ASSIGNED'") for node in nodes: node.wait_until_succeeds("garage layout show | grep -w 2000") assert "1" in node.succeed("garage layout show | grep -w 2000 | wc -l") assert "2" in node.succeed("garage layout show | grep -w 1000 | wc -l") with subtest("should create specified buckets and keys"): for node in nodes: node.wait_until_succeeds('test "$(systemctl is-active garage-apply)" != activating') garage1.succeed("garage key list | grep testKey") garage1.succeed("garage bucket list | grep bucket1") garage1.succeed("garage bucket list | grep bucket2") with subtest("should delete unspecified buckets and keys"): garage1.succeed("garage bucket create unwantedbucket") garage1.succeed("garage key new --name unwantedkey") garage1.succeed("systemctl restart garage-apply.service") garage1.fail("garage key list | grep unwantedkey") garage1.fail("garage bucket list | grep unwantedbucket") ''; }