Nix Super introduces the concept of *activatables*; applications that are installed solely in their own profile
and rely on an activation script to perform actions outside of the Nix store.
Two new subcommands are implemented to make use of activatables:
- [nix system]( for managing NixOS, as a replacement for `nixos-rebuild`
- [nix home]( for managing home-manager configurations, as a replacement for the `home-manager` CLI tool
### Additional environment variables for `nix shell`
`nix shell` will prepend the `/bin` directory of a given package to `PATH`, but what about other environment variables?
Nix Super configures many other environment variables, including:
It also sets `IN_NIX3_SHELL=1` to allow external processes to detect when you're in a Nix shell,
for scripting or shell prompt customization.
### Support for the `git+ipld` fetcher scheme
Adds `git+ipld` to the list of supported URL schemes for the `git` fetcher. Allows you to use Nix with [git-remote-ipld](
NOTE: This does not mean that Nix Super itself has any IPFS capabilities (yet).